Untitled Part 4

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Hours go by. Dany is so afraid she can barely move. If only I can get Mug to help me escape. I have to try harder to get him to think we are friends. Before the guy comes to get me. Who is this guy? Why is he coming? Why is Mug's uncle here? None of this makes sense. Frustrated, Dany gets up and paces back and forth. She is losing track of time. How long have I been here? One day? Two? Is my mom looking for me yet? Dany sits back down on the bed. I hate being alone in here. I wish Mug would come back.

As if her prayer has been answered, Mug walks into the room with another tray of food. The same PB&J sandwich, a coke, and this time there is a chocolate chip cookie on the tray. "I know you like strawberry jelly and coke, but I hope you like chocolate chip cookies." He smiles at her.

"I do, thank you Mug. How do you know all of my favorites?" She smiles at him. She really is grateful for him being so kind and that he breaks up the time by talking to her and helping her to keep calm. Not to mention, she's still alive so he was telling the truth that the sandwich wasn't poisoned.

"Well," he says blushing, "they are my favorites too. I bring you what I like to eat."

"Well, I guess we have a lot in common then. You are good at this." Her smile fades and she asks sadly, "when is the bad guy coming?"

"I don't think he's coming."

"He's not? Why not? Am I going home?" Dany asks hopeful.

"I'm not sure. I'm staying here a couple more days, so I think you are too."

"Oh." Dany says looking very sad and defeated.

"Don't be sad."

"I miss my mom. Don't you miss your mom?" Dany asks Mug.

"I just saw my mom, I told you she said I could stay here a couple more days."

"Your mom was here?" Dany inquires with a furl of her brow. "Does she know I'm here?"

"I don't know. But I asked her if I could stay here and she said yes. Isn't that great? We can hang out more."

Dany gets angry, afraid she may have to stay even longer, she blurts out, "No it's not great. I don't want to hang out more. I want to go home! I want to see my mom!" And hot angry tears stream down her face.

Mug is taken aback. He can't understand why Dany is so angry. "I thought you liked me? I thought we were friends." He asks confused.

"I want to go home! Just leave me alone." Dany says pulling her knees up to her chest and burying her face in them, she cries until Mug leave the room.

Hours later, Dany hears the door open, but the light does not flick on as normal. The room is dark, she cannot make out who came in and shut the door behind them. Dany freezes with fright. The figure is moving very slowly and very quietly. Is the bad guy here now? Is he going to rape me? She holds her breath, afraid to make a move. She hopes the figure will go away if they think she is asleep, highly unlikely, but she can hope. The figure is hovering over her, she can feel his presence. God no, please, don't let this be happening. Tears stream down Dany's face and she braces herself when a hand softly touches her arm, "shhhh," she hears Mug say. "Be very quiet and stay right behind me."

Dany nods her head in agreement, not knowing if Mug can see her or not. She swings her legs over the side of the bed, stands and says, "ok." He reaches for her hand in the dark, she hesitates, but knowing this is her best hope to get out of here, she takes it. They walk to the door, Dany's heart is racing, Mug slowly cracks it open and peeks out. He motions with his index finger over his lips to 'be quiet' and they slowly creep out the door.

There is a long hallway with closed doors on each side that they tiptoe by. She is petrified that one of those doors will open, not knowing who or what is behind them. They walk down some stairs and toward what looks to be a living room, television on, and she freezes in her tracks. There, lying on the couch, eyes closed, is figure two. Dany stiffens with fear. Mug gently pulls her hand, but Dany is too afraid to move. Again, he motions with his index finger over pursed lips to 'be quiet' and motions with a side tilt of his head to move. She does, snaking through the back of the living room, into a kitchen. Dany is so terrified she isn't even taking anything in. Mug motions his eyes toward a back door, and raises his eyebrows, and nods toward the door while glancing back at the living room entrance.

Dany, too afraid to speak, motions with her hand 'come with me'. Mug shakes his head back and forth and mouths the word 'no'. He points at himself and then at the floor to indicate he must stay here. Mug slowly twists the door handle, opens the door, and makes room for Dany to walk through. She moves through the door, so close to freedom but still so scared, and mouths the words 'thank you.' Mug nods his head up and down and then closes the door.

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