Untitled Part 7

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Weeks go by. Things get back to normal. The whispering and snickering decrease, the bullying slows, and Dany grows a thicker skin. Her new phone has GPS on it, so her mom knows where she always is. Dany felt weird about it at first, but understands her mom's concern and to be honest, it does make Dany feel a little bit safer. So, during third hour, when the office secretary calls Dany to the office, she is not sure what it could possibly be about. When Dany comes around the corner, she sees her mom standing in the office. "Hey mom, why are you here?"

"We have to go to the police station. They think they've found your kidnappers."

Intense emotions hit Dany all at once and she turns as white as a ghost. Faced with the possibility of having to see her captors, Dany is overcome with fear. "I don't want to see them." She says in a panicked voice visibly shaking, "I don't have to see them, do I?"

"I don't know honey. I think you do need to identify them."

"Mom, I can't. I don't want to. Do I have to?" Terror setting in.

"Honey you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Calm down. It might not even be the right people. Let's relax a little bit. I will be with you every step of the way," Marjorie reassures Dany. Noticing that there is a student gawking at the conversation and the office secretary clearly doing the same, Marjorie says, "Let's talk about this in the car."

Dany is hesitant to walk into the police station, overwhelmed with fear. Marjorie is holding her hand and says, "It's ok honey, they can't hurt you anymore. I wish your dad was here."

"Me too." Dany says wiping away a lone tear.

The first thing Dany sees when they walk inside the police station is the two big, burly men sitting in the waiting room. Dany is confused, why are they here? They make eye contact, quickly stand, and walk to greet Dany cautiously, "Hey there little one. You look good. Do you remember us?"

"Thank you. I do, you guys saved me. What are doing here?"

"Support. We're here for support. We've been praying for you. We heard you lost your dad and we couldn't imagine not being around to help our daughters, so we want to support you as you face your kidnappers. If you want us too."

Marjorie is moved by their kindness and tears trickle down her face.

Dany grabs her moms hand and says, "Mom, this is Earl and James. They saved me. They are my angels. I think dad sent them."

"It's nice to meet you ma'am." They say in unison.

"Please, call me Marjorie. And thank you for saving my daughter."

"It was our pleasure. Now, are you ready to go put these guys away?"

"With you all by my side, I think I am." Dany says, and the two men flank Dany and Marjorie as they walk to the counter to ask to speak to Detective Hammond.

When the detective takes them back to some sort of conference room, everyone silently waits for him to take the lead. "Well, we think we may have found the guys."

"Okay, who are they?" Marjorie asks.

"Well, it's quite complicated." The detective starts out with an arrogant way about him. "I must admit, it sounds almost like a movie."

Earl asserts, "How about you simplify it for us."

"Uh, okay." Detective Hammond replies knowing he's been put in his place. "About a week ago, a young man, sixteen years old, kept bragging to his co-workers about having a new friend. He said he couldn't wait to hang out with her again, bragged about them being a lot alike, liking the same things, etc. etc."

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