Untitled Part 6

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The next day Dany is laying on the couch, feet up, watching Netflix when someone knocks on the door. Dany's mom yells out, "I got it, don't get up." And appears out of nowhere. When she opens the door, Dany recognizes one of the police detectives that interviewed her in the hospital.

"Hello ma'am. I'm detective Hammond. I was wondering if Dany could answer a few more questions for us? If she's feeling up to it."

"Um, sure, come on in. Dany, you feeling up to answering some more questions?" Dany's mom asks her.

"Yea, I'm ok." She says repositioning herself to sit up straighter.

The detective notices that Dany's feet are no longer bandaged, but the black stitches are now visible, the surrounding skin red and angry looking. Her wrists are scabbing over as are her knees. "Are your feet feeling any better?"

"Yes, getting there. It still hurts to walk, but I'm sure I will heal fast. I'm trying to stay off my feet like the doctor told me to."

"That's good. Can you tell me again what you were doing the day you were kidnapped?"

"Um, yea, I was at the Target. I was going to meet my friend Bill there, he hadn't shown up yet. I called my mom before I went into the store to tell her that I was already at Katie's house..."

The detective interrupts Dany to ask, "That was a lie though, right?"

"Right, I lied because I was meeting Bill and didn't want her to know."

"Your mom doesn't like Bill?"

"She never met him, and I know she won't let me hang out with people she's never met, so I didn't tell her."

"Ok, go on."

"I don't really remember much after that, until I woke up at the house."

"Right. So, you said that they injected you with something?"


"Have you ever done any drugs before?"



"Nothing. I've never even had a drink of alcohol."



"Well, we just got your labs back from the hospital and it indicated that you had Diazepam in your system."

"What is diazepam?"

"It's a form of valium."
"What's valium?"

"You've never heard of valium?"
"No, what is it?"

"It relaxes you. Some people take it for anxiety. Some people take it when they fly or before a medical procedure. And some teenagers take it to get high."

Dany's mom, Marjorie, speaks up, "What are you implying detective?"

"Nothing ma'am, just stating the facts, it was in her system."

"So that must be what was in the shot they gave me." Dany says not realizing the detective is accusing her of doing drugs.

"Uh, right." Detective Hammond says doubtfully.

"I think we're done here detective. Dany needs to rest." Marjorie says angrily.

"Ok, well if you think of anything else that could help us find the guys, let me know."

"Right. I think we should be focusing on the bad guys and not accusing the victim."

"I wasn't..." He starts, and Marjorie cuts him off, "I'm sure you weren't. Good bye detective." And she shows him the door.

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