Untitled Part 10

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Dany and Adam are in the living room looking at old pictures. Dany is now sixteen and Adam is seventeen. It is amazing how well they get along. Adam is doing well despite his mom having gone to prison for twenty-five years, his uncle was sentenced to twenty. When Marjorie and Dany found out that Adam was family, they decided immediately to help him. They rallied to get his sentence reduced to probation. Marjorie immediately petitioned for custody and won. She registered Adam at Dany's school and he is doing well in his classes and thriving in his social skills classes.

Dany is showing Adam pictures of their dad and telling him stories. Sitting together, Marjorie now sees the similarities between the two. What's even more meaningful is she sees the similarities to Steve, her husband. I wish he was still here.

The more Dany shows Adam the more he wants to hear. She now understands his desire for knowing his father, something his mother took from him. Dany wants to give it back and she wants to see Adam happy. "You look a lot like dad." She says to Adam.

"I do?" He inquires with enthusiasm.

"Yup. And you have a lot of his mannerisms too."

"I wish he was still here." Adam says.

"Yea, me too." Dany says putting an arm around Adam and hugging him. "me too."

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