Halloween Special

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"Kokichi, Where are we going?". Shuichi finally question despite the fact that he was already ready and on the car.

"Trick or treating of course!", Was his awnser.

"Kokichi.... We're Grown Adults.", Shuichi looked at him weirdly slightly shocked

"OH! no, no. Me, Angie, Ryoma, and Himiko are.', Before he could ask Kokichi read his mind.

"Because we're short, and we can pass as kids."


Rantaro in the back of the car burst out laughing like a hyena.




All 16 of the adults were in Maki's(and Kaito's) house. 6
of them putting on costumes, while the others sat and talked.

The atmosphere was warm. The air smelled like pumpkin lattes and Pumpkins pie, it was rowdy and there was noise in practically every corner.

It was strangely relaxing. (though Maki would never admit it.)

"Keep it down, I have neighbors.", Maki's plead were ignored as it got louder.

"You're going as fucking VENTI??" Miu stared at Kokichi as he fixed his wig.

"who did you want me to go as? Fucking Spiderman? Ryoma's doing that.", Kokichi sneered at her.

"You could've be... Superman!"

Kokichi let out a stream of insults.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something", Maki spoke as she did Angie's make up.

"Nyhah! Atua says if you forgot it isn't important!"

"I guess your right...", Maki sighed.


"HAAA! H-HIMIKO! Change in the bathroom!", Tenko screeched

"nyeh? It's ok we're all girls..."


"Ok, So Kokichi as Venti, Ryoma as Spider man, Himiko as Doctor Strange, Angie as an Angel, Kaito as a werewolf and, ...Kaito?". Shuichi whipped his head back to The Grown man wearing a fucking wolf suit.

"Kaito...you don't reach the height requirement to go trick or treating...", Kirumi explained slowly to the man.

"But .."

The lights shut abruptly as Miu, Rantaro, Kaede, and Kokichi tired on their phone flashlights and music flooded the speakers;

"You tremble at this sound"

"YOU SINK INTO MY CLOTHESSSS", Kaito dropped to his knees dramatically clutching the fur near his chest, singing his heart out.

"THIS INVASION MAKES ME FEEL", The 4 band members laughed and cheered a few others joining in putting their flashlights on kaito.


"OH MY GOODNESS THE PUMPKIN PIE", Maki ran downstairs.

"Everyone ready? Cause it's time to go.", Kirumi held Ryoma's hand much to his embarrassment.

They nodded. Waving each other a temporary bye as Kirumi left with, Kokichi, Himiko, Kaito, Angie, and Ryoma. Wait, KAITO?

Shuichi whipped his head around jaw slacked as he saw the devious grin Kokichi and Kaito had sent him as the turned the corner.



Kirumi walked up to the 1st house, the 5 'Kids' behind her. The house was a Burgundy red, multiple spooky Decorations around their home.

"Hey look! They left their bowl out!", Kokichi Grinned as he ran up to the door.

The candy sat on the lap of a Freddy Krueger mannequin, on the bowl written take 2.

"This is so lame! do they actually expect people to take one?"

"Nyeh, You should take two Kokichi."

"finee!", Kokichi reached into the bowl pretending to take two.

"I lied!", He took a handful before turning around to laugh."

"It says take one." The mannequin grabbed Kokichi's arm.


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