Chapter 1

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I lost my mother to cancer when I was twelve. My father drowned his grief in alcohol, and became aggressive, violent, and abusive. Although, he was always emotionally abusive toward me since I was a baby. Eventually, he succumbed to his addiction, and I was all alone... or so I thought.

Emily was my best friend. We met in preschool. I really loved the onesies she wore. She always wore zip-up onesies with long tails in the back. They looked so cute on her. She was so nice to everyone, probably the nicest person I'd ever met, so I wanted to be her friend. She accepted me right away, and from then on, we were attached at the hip. Eventually, she found out I was emotionally abused at home, so she went out of her way to shower me with love and kindness. She was always there for me when I needed her, and so were her parents. I always felt safe when I slept over at her house. When my parents were gone, they took me in. When Emily and I went off to college, we became dorm roommates, until we were ready to move into an actual house that her parents so generously paid for. They were very wealthy, but you wouldn't know that just by looking at them or even their house. They were some of the most humble and generous people, but Emily was even more generous. She was always willing to lend a helping hand, wanting nothing in return.

Last Christmas, Emily and I were decorating our house. We were both excited, because we both loved Christmas. Emily, however, was the biggest Christmas lover. She always went all out with decorations, presents, and even singing carols. Of course, she had a very musical heart and the voice of an angel.

"Your onesie looks really cute on you," I said as we were hanging the ornaments on our tree in the living room.

"Awwww, thank you, Alliepoo," Emily said sweetly. Yes, she called me Sweetie and Baby and Alliepoo and all sorts of sweet nicknames. She was a very lovey-mushy person, and I really loved that about her. She was wearing a red and white striped, zip-up onesie, and her tail was shaped just like a candy cane. Yes, she still wore zip-up onesies with tails, even as an adult. She even wore them in public, because she loved them so much. She didn't care if people stared at her, and besides, most people around town knew and loved the way she dressed. "Isn't my tail the cutest thing you've ever seen?"

"Yeah, it looks really pretty."

"Awwwww, thank you. I wish I really had a tail, so I could give you even bigger and sweeter hugs."

"And, so you can protect me."

Emily nodded with a sweet giggle.

"Well, you look good with a tail, so it would suit you."

"Awwwww, Baby!" Emily hugged me, and I accidentally got my hair stuck in her zipper. She giggled as she freed it for me. Then, she hugged me again. "Awww, I'm sorry, Baby. Did I hurt you?"

I laughed. "Nope, not really."

She giggled. "I think my zipper loves your pretty hair."

I laughed again.

"I think my zipper loves you!"

We both laughed.

"I can't blame her, because I love you, too."

"I love you more, sis," I said.

Emily giggled and kissed my forehead. "Awww, and I think your dress is adorable by the way."

I smiled. "Thanks, Em." I was wearing a knitted, green sweater dress, one of my favorite sweater dresses. It was so soft and fluffy and cuddly.

Soon, we were almost finished with the tree. The only thing we had left was to put the star on top. However, when we tried plugging it in, it didn't work, so we looked through the box of decorations to see if we could find something else to put on top of the tree. We couldn't find anything, so we headed off to the stores to find something.

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