Chapter Six

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I was standing at the pit again. Blood soaked my nightgown and the bones beneath  me looked bright white under the pale yellow moon in the sky. This time however there was nothing holding me in place, no force desperate to drag me down. I took this opportunity in stride, walking around the pit. It was about 100 feet wide and slopped 30 feet towards the bottom where the bones lay. I circled the perimeter stopping before a reflecting pool. It was small and deep, the water as black as the blood drenched soil I stood on. The surface was shiny and I knelt down to peer at the strangely placed water. I saw my reflection and instantly started to scream. I saw myself in my white nightgown and hair let down past my shoulders, but my eyes. My most specific feature was changed. My eyes were all white containing no pupil, and seemed to ...glow with a sickle green hue surrounding the stark white center. I stumbled from the pond falling on my ass two feet from the pool. I looked down at the green tattoos that usually graced my arms, to find them bleeding around the edges. The ground I stood on started crumbling.

"NOOO STOP PLEASE NOO " I screamed shooting up in bed to find father gripping me by the shoulders, trying to shake me into reality. His old wrinkled face was covered in dirt and scruff. But his honey colored eyes held nothing but concern as he released his grip and stood over me lookin down my sweat soaked comforters.

"I didn't know they still happened, the dreams I mean, I haven't heard you scream like that since you were a girl"

I looked at him in surprise "What are you doing home so early?" I said. It was only 7 pm when I decided to go to sleep. Last call at the bar isn't till 4am, it couldn't be more than midnight.

" I oh, well I ran out of money you see. I came back to see if I could borrow some off ye but as soon as I came in I heard you yelling bloody murder and rushed up her to see you thrashing around in your bed".

He was more sober than normal, probably from the lack of funds and a tab at the tavern he was never gonna pay back.

"I'm fine" I barked out, a tone of bravado in my voice hiding how scared that dream had left me. " I don't have any money for you to borrow, shit I don't have any money for fucking food, let alone money to give you for whiskey".

I turned on my side away from him. And I heard him let out a exhale and leave the room dragging his clunky feet behind him. He clicked the door closed gently and I stared at the window for some time before falling asleep, still sticky with sweat.

I didn't dream this time, and for once I had wished I had. I was frozen in sleep, but aware of my surroundings, almost if I was watching myself as I lay in bed. Stuck in a paralysis a white hot pain began on both of my forearms. If I could scream I would've waken the whole neighborhood. Green bright lines appeared on my skin, as if they were burned into them, leaving blistered red skin and blood around all edges. The tattoos from my dreams. But it was just a dream how is this having. I began thrashing in bed and was able to renter my body and sit up wailing in pain . There was too much blood, the flesh had third degree burns, and the glowing tattoos made me feel panicked. I threw up over the bed side and scrambled for a cloth to bind my arms. I tore a piece of linen off my night dress binding them quickly as the blood kept pouring out. I have to get help I thought, father would be a drunken mess by now and I didn't dare bring Charles into this

I quickly put on boots and a overcoat and headed to the Frankels in a panic. I banged on the old wooden doors. The street torches were still lit meaning it was around 4am, someone would come by at 5 to put them out. Candlelight flickered in the parlor on the front floor. Mrs. Frankel cracked open the door, her face filled with sleep. She was stout and wrinkled with whips of grey tendrils weaved in her pitch black hair that flowed down to her waist.

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