Chapter Eight: The Reckoning

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I always loved looking at the stars at night. So far away yet vibrant in the dark blue n sky. It made me feel small. The world was vast and I was just a small piece of it, they always comforted me. Now they lit the path home, as I ran covered in my own blood with one eye swollen shut and two fucken glowing arms.

After I had snapped out of my rage , I raced out of Charles room dashing for the door and running out half naked in the open streets. A thin blanket from Charles bed covering my corset and underthings. This was bad.

He knew what I was, and soon others would know too. My heart leaped out of my chest when I saw Mrs Frankel sitting on her stoop and rushed to her.

"Annalease WHAT HAPPEN?!"

She grabbed me in her arms and rushed me into the parlor as I quickly babbled out what had happened

We stood in the doorway and she looked terrified.

"The fire was blue you say?"

"Yeah why?"

There was a knock at the door just then and Mrs Frankel went to answer it to reveal a man dressed in yellow. A library worker. He smiled at me and asked for my name.

That was the last thing I remembered.

I don't know how long i was out for , but I woke up on concreate. I stood up slow, grabbing the wall for balance as I tried to make out the room I was in through the pitch black darkness. As I walked, I gained some bearings. It was a small cell with a straw mattress in the corner hugging an iron gate to another cell, maybe? I couldn't tell where the concrete began or ended. one step. two step. It was too dark to be sure. Reality hit me like a wave of nausea. Where was I? How did I come here? 

Suddenly I looked up  as I sensed movement. Glowing amber eyes stared at me, live balls of fire with a large black pupil shining through. I had never seen eyes such as these, and I was uneasy at the unnatural sight of them. My own lilac eyes were rare, but my mother shared their likeness. The amber fire pierced through me and enchanted me. It almost illuminated the space, and I made out the forming's of an adjacent cell. The eyes belonged to a man from what I could tell from the shadows. I could make out a form with board shoulders leaning against the metal bars that separated our cells. Something in me, a kernel of instinct, flared as though I was staring at an apex predictor. I started to scoot against the mattress to distance myself from him when a blood-curdling laugh echoed from the eyes.

"Well well," he said "A new toy to be played with"

 I then realized then my red corset was gone, replaced by this golden shift. Leaving my breasts poking out. I had no idea how long I had been here because the blood on my arms had been washed clean, my eye was no longer swollen.

I mustered confidence from below, confidence or maybe a bit of madness.

"Where am I" I asked the figure, still shrouded in darkness.

"Funny" he started "they haven't been able to find a woman ever, only untrained males. But I'd guess you're special then huh?"

There was a small light coming from a window on the ceiling, a skylight I realized, moonlight drifted past the front portion of my cell. I stood up brushing off my shift and made my way to the front of the cell,  the shift  barley reached my upper thighs. Standing at the bars I could make out the layout of the room. I was in a circular prison with eight? Maybe nine cells surrounding a middle stone basin filled with water, beaming from the moonlight. Under other circumstances it might've been pretty.

"Curious thing, have you figured out where we are yet?" Pushed my cocky neighbor .

Out of fear or maybe lack of Their of I laughed a bit to myself. "Ha hmph, no fucking idea why don't you tell me".

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