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I was talking to Jason when Mason yelled me and James name we walk downstairs I change into a white tank with grey sweats "Aries Dallas will be watching you" Mason said I brust out laughing "good joke" I said then everyone looks said something else "you are making spend the day with someone I do not like" I said Mason walked up to me I was 5'10 Mason is 6'6 so yeah "Aries please we care about you and well I don't trust you alone I looked at him then at James he gave me a begging look then Johnny who gave me the same look "fine" I said "Good he said he will start today" Mason said I could kill myself I just scoffed and walked off "Hey I do not want to do this but here I am" Dallas yelled i turn around so fast "let's make one thing clear you are not my babysitter" I said "Aries would you stay and meet the gang" Johnny asked I nodded my head and stood behind him

Dallas POV

Aries was kinda weird but what people say about her was true she stood behind Johnny like she was his body guard the look in her eyes were dead cold and the scar across her face I don't know why guys would go out with her she cold and very quiet but her body shape was good and you saw scars on her arm Johnny told us what happen to her if people knew they would fear her but why does she stay home so much I snap out my thoughts when Johnny yelled me about something "Dal Cherry is here" Johnny said Aries stared me down look her eyes look like a storming clouds with lighting in there "Hey Babe" Cherry said walking in "Hey" I said Aries walked away Cherry scoffed and move her foot "Your foot movements are very easy to read" Aries said every looked at her "Each time you step you movement vibrates and everyone's is different and gives off different vibes" Aries said cherry scoffed "Well what do I give off"Cherry
said at her "If I tell you I promise you don't want to show your face around here" Aries said "Aries Marcus is here" James said


I ran over to the door way and saw Marcus and jump into arms "Woah there Zeus" Marcus said that is my nickname Marcus and me has always been best friends "What are you doing in Tulsa" I asked "I came to visit plus I miss seeing Zeus" Marcus said I turned around and walked him to the everyone else everyone looked Cherry went all lovely in the eyes and it wasn't that hard to tell "marcus" Mason said they never liked each other I heard Dallas said something to Johnny thinking I wouldn't hear it "That's the first time she has ever been happy" Dallas said Johnny told him to shut up because I can hear everything and lip read Marcus put his arm around me when he saw Dallas "He your boyfriend or something" Dallas spoke up "Yes something like that" Marcus said I looked at him he knew something about Dallas because he used to live in Tulsa before moving to New York "Good we can all go to bucks" Soda said I look at Marcus he look at me I nodded in agreement "Sure" Marcus said

We are at bucks Dallas and Cherry start fighting over girls coming up to him and me and marcus and Soda just talk Soda was a good person but you could tell something was bothering him "I'm going to head back" Marcus said I nodded and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and left "Marcus and you aren't really dating" Soda asked "No when he notices something off with a guy that when he says he is my boyfriend" I said taking a shot of vodka "He was staring at Dallas does he know something" Soda asked " I don't know maybe but Marcus seems off since last name" I said then heard a song I like very well "Aries you want to dance" Soda asked "Sure" I said we started dancing to the song "I haven't had this much fun since I was a kid" I said Soda laughed "Good maybe we can do this more offen" he reply after the song end we went back to the bar and just sat there talk some more next thing I knew Cherry tapped on me I didn't  I grabbed her arm when she try to punch me I turn my head at her "What you doing there Cherry" I said everyone was now watching I grabbed the rest of her upper arm and flew her onto the bar got up and dust myself off she yelped in pain then I saw that she was bleed Soda saw it then picked me up then I felt someone else 

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