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Dallas POV

Me and Soda plus Two-bit and Steve had to bring Aries home Pony and Johnny were up along with Jason and Marcus when Marcus saw Aries being brought in by me he got up and snatch her out of my arms and lay her on the couch she was still sleeping "What did you do" Marcus asked me "Nothing watch your tone with me pal" I snap back me and Marcus went head to head we were both 6"2 Aries started shaking we all look Johnny and Jason got up Johnny start talking to Aries telling her to calm down and Jason grabbed Mason Johnny did say her nightmares come back almost every night Johnny lift her up and wrapped his arms around her Ponyboy just watch Johnny Soda and Steve were shocked and for the first time Two-bit looked sad Aries stop shaking and all you could see was tears All you could see was a little girl wishing for a normal child hood after a while Mason asked me to move in and to raise it up but I said yes and to not rasise my pay up I went back to bucks with Mason and grabbed my things and went back Mason gave me a room it was huge well the house it self was huge room was next to Aries too

I look at the clock and it was 3am I ran into Aries room she was screaming I went to her and lift her up and wrapped my arms around her like Johnny "shh it's okay I'm here" I said she started calming down Johnny ran in the room I felt bad for here I looked around her room it was a mess filled with papers books and pictures and a punching bag "stay please don't leave" Aries said I think she thought I was someone else "I will" I said she felt asleep Johnny walked out I kept staring at the picture a family photo her and her brotherd and I guess her parents they look happy and so did Aries and Mason and Jason but what happen I stayed up making sure she didn't scream again she rolled out of my arms and I saw two scars a gun shot and stab there was others but I got up and walked out finding out Marcus was leaving with his bags "Where you going" I asked he looked at me "leaving I came here for one thing and that was so easy to get" Marcus said Mason walked out and cough Marcus jumped "I already took it back get out or you won't be here on earth for very long if Aries wake up she will kill you" Mason said Macrus hurry up and got out Mason nodded me to follow him "Aries will kill him and only for one reason" Mason said and unlocked a door and open it up I followed him in "This is Aries office she keeps everything that means a lot to her in here" Mason said and took out a Diamond necklace that had a huge yellow diamond and put it but in a wood box "and here one thing you need to know you see that dragger in that glass box on the wall with a light on it" Mason said "yeah what about it" I said "If Aries ever take that out call me and Jason there only one reason she still think our Father is alive" Mason said "what did your parents do" I asked Mason sigh "It's not a day everyone wants to remeber Aries went to live with our grandma she never liked moving out of state it was her 14th birthday she heard a gun shoot and ran to our grandma to find her dead the man left and it didn't take long to founded out what our parents did she first went after the man then our parents the goverment and cops couldn't stop her everyone in New York called it the Flame War Aries killed or hurt everyone in her way after a while the goverment called for the big people that didn't stop her no the whole country is scared of her she turn 16 and came here we tried our best to help her but nothing help now she hides feelings and when it show everyone should be scared she my little sister but not the one I remeber I miss that side of her" Mason said I felt bad "Has she ever fell in love with someone" I asked Mason face change into a sad epression "Aries has dated one person and well that was Marcus they were still friends afterwards she regerts a lot with him and he knows Aries will kill him for taking that and that blade up there is gold because of some scary events" Mason said "You care about her never understood why she so close to Johnny" I said Mason nodded for us to get out so we did and he locked it "Aries and Johnny is close for a reason Johnny love Aries like sister and Aries isn't the nicest person when it comes to him but tell me about your self Johnny told me some" Mason said as he sat down on the couch I sat across "Well don't have parents my pop still alive back he don't care and been in and out the cooler and do bull riding for some cash" I said Mason nodded "You seem like you got some back bone" Mason said I nodded I sat there with Aries brother just talking


I woke up and walked down stairs and turn around to see Dallas in the kitchen "Johnny went to school Jason and Mason went on business trip" Dallas said "Marcus left" he added on "i know I heard everything and Thank you for staying in there with my last night" I said he looked down with his arms cross "your welcome" he said I grabbed a glass cup "Mason said no drinking in the mornings" he said of course mason would do that I scoffed and just put the glass cup up and went back upstairs and changed into a black turtleneck and some jeans and little black boots I put my leather jacket on and walk back downstairs "Where you going" Dallas said "None of your business" I said "It is because I have to go with you everywhere and you are not driving" Dallas said "I was just going to ride around town it's not like I have anyone to hang out with" I said he put his boots on and took the keys out of my hand "We can go to the DX" Dallas said I just looked at him and nodded

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