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3 weeks later

Dallas still came around I didn't talk to him nor looked at him he has tried to talk to me but I really don't even want to hear him I went to the drive in with the gang even Darry came Dallas didn't come so I was good with going with them I sat by Soda and we couldn't stop laughing because Two-bit wouldn't stop making jokes about the smallest thing around us and Darry told us to shush but we still laughed even the people behind us was laughing "Soda want to go get some popcorn" Two-bit said they both up I yelled for some candy "Guys I have to use the restroom" I said they nodded I got up and knowing I didn't have to use the restroom I walked around seeing people have fun I was questioning it I heard a voice Dallas fucking WIston doesn't know how to keep his fucking mouth shut for one second and for once I want to knock his shit out of the baseball game I can not deal with him no more I didn't understand how someone could be so cruel and cold then the next minute friendly but why tho because he want to get in my pants or to just be friend that most of the time with people like Dallas does that to get in your pants then break your heart after seeing shit I could tell if I walked over there I would be in Jail but then I heard my name yelled or nickname people say to see if they can break him I grabbed my dragger in my pocket just in case I didn't think I would have to use it but also I didn't want to start another war I just kept walking till Dallas grabbed my arm and turn me to face him I bought the dragger to his throat "do not I mean do not do that ever again Wiston" I said coldy his face changed "Can we talk" he asked "No we can not talk" I said walking off and putting the dragger back I went back to the gang "Whats wrong" Johnny turn around and asked me "Nothing" I said and watched the movie

Once me and Johnny got home Mason said I was invited to a business party and yes I did go back to doing business "The lady will come over and bring your dress" Mason said I notice something "What is it" I said Mason sign "Marcus is holding something on Jason he wants you to marry him so please do this till we can fix this" Mason said I was mad but I knew anything to keep my family safe was the most important thing so I agree

The next morning Marcus came over to give me the ring then the gang came even Dallas Mason pulled Dallas aside he told him that I'm getting married to Marcus once Dallas came out he looked sad but also mad everyone heard the news and was shocked but some happy Johnny knew everything but Jason acted Happy but I knew he wasn't he puts on a good act for everyone else but me well I was the only one who could read it and if I notice it was come out sooner or later but I knew I couldn't say anything I smiled so everyone know it was for real everyone hanged out I sat next to Marcus he had his arm around me so there was a knock at the door the style people were here I stood up "I'll be right back" I said

The last touch was my grandma necklace but sometimes knowing that this necklace was given to me help me a lot I walked downstairs and saw Marcus and everyone tonight "Macrus went on a walk with Dallas"Johnny said I looked at him I was confused then the gang left to go look for Dallas Mason and Jason did Johnny was zoned out I sat next to him then Dallas rushes threw the door with blood on him I got to my feet fast then Marcus came in with a grin "Your boy toy needs to learn some respect" Marcus said I ran over to Dallas I mouthed "I'm sorry" to him and turn to Marcus "If you want him alive do as I say" Marcus said I nodded and went over to Marcus and left for the party but I had a plan last night Jason got him drunk and let him sign fake marriage papers but they were papers to him giving me everything

We got back and Dallas Ponyboy, and Johnny was hanging out Macrus saw Dallas then that when it hit me Dallas blood didn't bother me but Marcus did and everyone else did I turned to Macrus "We are not getting married" I said he laughed I took the dragger out my hair and lashed his neck I cover his mouth so no one heard Jason saw and helped me clean I changed and walked back downstaris Johnny looked and saw no ring "You got rid of him" Johnny said I nodded no one knew the plan was Jason had Marcus half drunk sign his business and everything over to me then he had all of it put in my name and all we had left is to get him gone "Pony, Jason want to go a party one of my friends are having" Johnny said they both agreed and left I walk over to Dallas "You should have snitch those up" I said he jumped "Your back how's your now toy" Dallas said "What toy" I said he looked then understand it I got the first aid-kit and walked over to him "Aries you don't have to" Dallas said I just smiled "That's the first time I got a reaction out of you" Dallas said grinning "I'm going to put this numbing cream on it okay" I said he nodded I put it on he grabbed my other hand then loose up I looked down and he notice then let go "sorry" he said I nodded I never really feel this way about anyone it's weird I finish his snitches I put everythineg away and set the first aid-kit on the table I wiped the blood off with a tissue "Done" I said we stared at each other inches apart I got up "Night Wiston" I said walking off

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