~Lazy Mornings~ short story

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Something random

I had awoken up from my deep slumber that I had after passing out last night during from another wonderful heated session

My legs feeling awfully weak since my fierce lover could be very much rough when jealousy is upon herself, she was obviously still asleep holding onto me tightly her arms around my upper body while our legs are intertwined with one another.

I slowly turned myself around to admire my lover while being carful not to wake her up, once I turned around I could see the glares of sunlight hitting her milky skin
I hugged around her waist and rested my forehead on the crook of her neck, that lovely peaceful moment didn't last long since the alarm rang and awoken my god
'I already know I can stare at her whenever but when she's sleeping she's even more delightful then ever'

"Miko~" She mumbled with her eyes still closed while the alarm was still ringing
"This thing is so fucking loud!" She went over to my side hovering over me to turn off the alarm her big breast spilled out from the robe as she was struggling to turn off the the alarm then she just threw it across the room in anger like the other 40

After she just smiled down at me while still on top of my body I leaned up to kiss her lips and wrapped my arms around her neck, while our bodies were pressed against each other

She went back to our original position we were in before,
"Miko come stay with me today won't you~" She said lazily in a baby voice, this is a tone of voice no other person gets to hear then me I will cherish her for how long I live for

"Babe I have to go to the shrine you know" I chuckled while she pouted

"You're not in any condition to move now are you, my vixen" she petted my head and brought my head to her soft breast

I laid there face flat for a while just melting into the peaceful feeling I am having with my love
"Be careful dear don't suffocate" She said as she rested one of her hands on my head while her finger from her left was playing with my hair

I looked up at her, resting my chin on her chest
"I love you Ei"
"Hmm why are you saying this all of a sudden" She chuckled still doing her recent actions

"I just want to alright" I snuggled back into her chest keeping my arms wrapped around her

"I love you to Miko, you're my main goal for eternity now"
She kissed my forehead
"You're such a weirdo Ei"
"Oh hush I'm trying my best to be sweet"

458 word were used in this
Also in this one Ei is the Futa

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