~I'm Sorry~(2)(Smut)

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Futa Futa Futa
Y'all should have already known
This was cumming

See what I did there 😏


Miko smiled and kissed her again, Ei felt the heat of her body rise again as she gave into Miko's kisses

"You want to take this to the bed or you wanna stay on the couch..." Miko asked

She pulled herself up as she waited for her response

Ei's eyes began to trail down to the tent in Miko's pants, knowing that she wanted to do it just as bad as Miko wanted to, she took a deep breath in and looked back at her face

"Well~ You want to do it here or in bed it's your choice darling"
Miko said again

Ei shook her head for yes

"I want to do it h-here"

Miko smirked at her
"Ahah so naughty~"

Miko panted as she felt herself twitch in her pants

"Ei...turn around right this minute"
Miko demanded

She said softly then turned around and Miko guided her body a bit leading to Ei being bent over, facing the arm of the couch

Ei could feel the wetness between her legs dripping down right this second and she was sure that Miko could see that she's even more aroused now from the amount of shivering

Miko ran her fingers through Ei's hair before pulling it back into a ponytail

She then placed her other hand on Ei's hips and pulled her closer to herself, she tugged on her hair a little bit making Ei moaned quietly, she felt Miko's warm breath on her neck and her nails digging into her hip

Miko leaned in and whispered in her ear
"I hope your ready to take me Ei..."

Ei let out a squeal as Miko slapped her ass, she trailed her finger tip around Ei's back, she bit down gently on her earlobe again

Miko then pulled down her own pants to her knees, finally releasing her self from the tightness of her clothing

She wrapped her hand around her cock and began to rub herself up and down Ei's slit

Ei let out another moan as she felt Miko's cock slap against her inner thigh

Miko's hand tightened around her cock as she began to stroke it, making sure it's covered in Ei's liquid so she could slid in easily

"I'm pretty sure your prepared enough..."

"You think you can take it all at once~"
Miko leaned forward and grabbed Ei's hair again, pulling her head back

"Mghh ow!"
Then she thrust her cock inside of Ei, making
Ei so surprised that Miko entered her length inside her that quickly

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