~My Little Kitten~(2)smut

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Futa Miko
It's because Miko magically made one with magic✨🤩

Miko pov
It's been 2 weeks and Ei starts to act a little more like a cat everyday that passes by, but I do admit I actually had something to do with her being a cat

Casting a lovely spell to make her have cat like features and act like one a little was one of my best ideas yet, of course she doesn't know I had anything to do with it yet though
She had accepted that she might have been like this for a while, and it's not like I want to change her just as yet either
As I do say she was utterly adorable in this state but at the same time more sassy then usual adding onto that she has very needy and likes to stay with my practically every moment, she would even randomly enter the bathroom and just stay there looking at me
She was exactly like me but worse

I just reached back home from work at the shrine but this time when I came back I was introduced with Ei on the floor on her knees looking down on her lap

She had a robe on showing her crevasse off, her hair completely out unbraided
When she realised I was there she looked up into my eyes then smiled as her ears perked up same as with her tail

"Ei why are you on the floor..."I questioned
"I was waiting for you to get back" She got up and kissed my cheek, of course I've seen her naked before but this is just new like very very new
It's not everyday you see your own god kneeling down for you, unlike how we are in sex~

I shook my head getting my mind out from the weird thoughts then went to go scratch her ears but then she flinched at me and moved her body away, her whole face was red and seemed red including the inside of her ears

"What's wrong are you okay babe"
"Mhmm it's just very hot eheh I'm alright though so don't worry" she reassured me but I knew that she wasn't really

"If you say so love ima go take a bath"I took off my shoes and went over to the stairs walking up to the bathroom
              (Man I'm speeding this shit up)
(Miko's was in the bath now just relaxing then she got out with a towel wrapped around her then went into their room, and this is where we are now)

I enter into the room seeing Ei fingering herself in a fast pace while having my shirt in her hand smelling it,she looked at me with one eye open and stoped what she was doing

"M-Miko I'm sorry!" Ei stoped and got up, I'm guessing she didn't finish her orgasm either since she was still kinda grinding her body
'Shoot this is my fault'
I suddenly felt bad cause first of all having heat is no joke if you don't catch it early or have pills for it

I took down my towel leaving it on the floor and rushed over to Ei not caring at all about a single thing but her
I cupped her cheeks making her look at me
"I'm the one that's sorry but I'll make sure to help you get through this, I promise Ei" I took her in for a deep long kiss while taking out her robe at the same time

(✨Now Miko gave herself a magical dick ✨)

"Mmm hah~ put it in.....M-Miko"Ei said while she was panting harshly

"Mhmm okay~" I nodded at her then took her by her left leg and rammed my cock inside of tight pussy

"AGH~! MIKO THAT WAS TO FAST...NGH~!"She grunted reaching out to hold onto my wrist
I sucked the inwards of her thigh biting into it deeply leaving my lovely marks
"Mmmn AH-HH...MMM~NGH IM G-GOING ahh..ahn TO CUM ALREADY FUCKK!" She gripped onto the sheets and buried her face into the bed muffling her grunts

I stopped sucking on her thigh and grabbed her hair pulling it so that she will face me

"Look at me while I make you cum ~"I said as I kept on pounding into her I used my other hand to rub her clit and she whines

"Aghh...MMM..AH~ I can't" She rolled her eyes back and had drool dripping down her
"MM~ a..ahhh mhhHH" And just like that my lover came on my cock and squirted onto the my lower stomach, I pulled out from inside of her

"Nghhh~ hah..hah thank you Miko" She reached out to wrap her arms around my neck but before she can do that I pulled away and turned her around so that she was laying on her stomach

"Well you see Ei now you've made me all horny and I don't think I want to stop right now~"
"And I don't think you want to stop just as yet either, now get on all fours bitch" I smacked her ass hard leaving it in a light type of pink
Her eyes started to tear up a tiny bit as she started to lift herself up getting on her knees and legs

I grabbed her tail and stocked it slowly as I rubbed my member on her slit
She purred at me and looked behind towards me
"What a good kitty you are, your my good kitty right honey~"


"I-I'm a good kitty" I blushed at her with tears still rolling down my eyes but it wasn't from pain at all it was from pleasure~
"Mhmm and good kitty's have to be rewarded right dear" She grabbed her cock and angled it to my entrance again and pushed it in but not harshly like before

"Ahn~... can I have kisses" I asked shyly
She leaned down making me feel her even deeper inside of me and she kissed my lips but it didn't last long which made me groan in frustration

"What a needy god you are dearest eheh I'll give you more kisses later on okay"
"Hmph fine" I turned my head around, she then grabbed my chin with force making me turn my head back to her direction and made a hard thrust inside me, tugging on my tail a tad bit
"I said to look at me didn't I, I don't want your eyes away from my direction "She husked in my ears, making them twitch by her hot breath

she lets go of my tail and chin she went grope my breast as she did so she thrusted faster in doggy style

"AH Miko....ughhh fuck-shit!"
'She's going too fast screw it'
My arms gave out but she grabbed my arms pulling them to the back and held tightly with her left hand, still having her other arm around my wrist
" NGHH~ mhm.. nh~AH!!" At last I wasn't able to keep my head up so I laid it flat to the side not turning away from her
'I'm going to have so much neck pain after this'

"Hah...ahh~ I think I'm going to have my climax"
She brought my body off from my knees and me sit on her lap facing backwards from her as she humped me upwards
She had her arms wrapped around my body and as I had my legs opened

I brought the back of my head to her shoulder "Ack...Fuck~" She mumbled and finally made her climax into my cervix, still humping me to make sure she got all of her juices out
She reached up to stroking my tail again now planting kisses on my shoulder and that sent me to the edge of having another hard orgasm as I arched my back against her

She pulled out making me whimper and pant heavily like before, she kissed my back and said
"You did very good my love very good"as she praised me then rested her chin on my shoulder
"Mhmm hah~"I turned my head to her side and gave her a peck on cheek
"Go clean up for us dear... I need to rest my body a little" I crawled off from her and lay on my stomach

"Also bring me some clothes please"I told her
"Okay wifey" she uncasted her spell then blew me a kiss and winked trying to be flirty once again

"Shut up now go" I laughed then threw a pillow at her face

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