~Making Up~(2)smut

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Miko was currently placed in between my legs having her arms under my thighs and gripping onto them forcefully

She placed a few soft love marks, until she bit my inward thigh licking around the area right after

"Eii~ are you still mad at me dear" Miko said as she dragged out the sound of my name
But I dared not to speak to her,then crossed my arms looking to the side again

"You can't fucking ignore me forever" those we're her last words before she shoved up 2 fingers inside me harshly

"You are already so wet, you've been waiting for my fingers to inside of you to right honey~"She rapidly pounded in me

"Mmm ahh! h-ho..ld O...AHH!"I said hardly getting any of my words out as I hold onto the sheets bracing myself for what's next to come

"I've hold on long enough,I want to fuck"she smiled at me as she took out her fingers that were inside me

She licked her fingers doing kitty licks then brought her lips next to my cunt taking a long stare at it
"Miko just calm down a bit" I tried reasoning with her but like usually it doesn't work

"No" she said plainly

She took several licks before flickering her tongue inside of me
She swirl her tongue around in my cunt going up and down digging her nails to my thighs

"Hah HAH.. ahh~ FUck!~" I grabbed onto her hair, pushing my self against her lips
But then the feeling stopped all out of nowhere
She suddenly sat up from the bed

"W-where are you going"I questioned to her
she looked back to me and smile

She brought out a blind fold, and a 9 inch looking strap on

"Shirt off now"she order me to do and I listened, I threw my shirt onto her and she chuckled at me before she came closer to the bed

"Close your eyes baby" I felt the black cloth brush across my face over my eyelids

I could feel her body over me and her hot breath coming closer to my ear
"Remember that I always love you no matter what"she kissed my ear and I just hum in response
"And~I'll help you walk right after" she said quickly and pulled away

"WHAT!"I screamed
She put one of her fingers on my lips telling me 'shhh'
I opened my mouth a tad bit and started to suck on her finger then once she added another I swirled my tongue around them

"Mmm one of my favourite things,good girl"
I blushed at her comment
But then right away I felt something big inside me shoved up right away making me gasp for breath

"But even good girls need to get punished sometimes to~"

She took deep thrusts into me not giving me a single chance to adjust for a moment

"Hah~...ah NGH!"
"Watch how sensitive my wife is and wet" She reached to my clit and pressed harshly against it

"Ah Miko~.. not t-there ngh"
"Shut up~"she leaned down to me and took in one of my breast in her mouth as her thrust got faster and faster

"Hah HAH ahh~"The noise of skin slapping together and loud moans are all that could be heard, Miko stoped sucking on my breast and I felt Miko going faster concentrating on making me cum again
I had wrapped my arms around Miko's neck, wrapping my legs around her while pulling her into another embrace and tucking my forehead into her shoulder
"Ack Miko~ I'm gonna cum again!"
"Fuck fuck fuck OH FUCK...UGHH~"
I both came around the thick strap-on inside of me and squirted onto her stomach

"Mmn you came so hard thought you we're going to pull out your boob sword on me again haha~" Miko said as she pulled out the strap leaving me empty

My cum leaked out of my wet hole sliding down from my legs to the sheets, she took out the blind fold I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the lights

"Hi beautiful" She smiled brightly at me with her ears standing as I was still breathing heavily trying to recover

"Hold me...Miko" She pulled me up onto her lap with the strap on dick touching my bottom, she hugged me tightly as my breast touched hers

She gave me a peck on my lips and started grinding upwards on me again

"Let me put it in again~" She looked up at me with those cheeky eyes and grin of hers

"Well Miko let's see you fucked me out of anger, my legs are week, and I just came very hard so what is do you think"

"That it's a yes" She placed her chin on top my boobs not breaking eye contact with me
"It's a no I'm still mad at you" I flicked her forehead making her groan

"Ow~ why do you always do that" Now having her face snuggled up in my breast

"Cause I can, now take this thing off" I got off of her and tried to get out of the bed but when I stood up I fell right away onto my knees

"I tol-"
"Don't finish that sentence Miko" I pointed at her and made a come here gesture with my hands

She took off the strap and walked over to me picking me up and laying me back onto the bed, she grabbed her clothes and made her way to the door

"You leaving me" I asked softly
Sitting up on the bed and going on my knees holding a pillow up against my chest

"Well you kicked me out the room didn't you and aren't you still mad" She said in a sad seeming voice, I didn't really know that this effected her that much I felt selfish for once in my life
I wasn't really made anymore if I'm being honest
'I could just kill the girl in my own time whenever after all'

"Yae Miko bring yourself here and cuddle me right now, you know you want to do it anyways"
She turned around right away and ran to the bed currently now hovering over me
I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her down so she was laying on top of me

"Don't do that again to anyone else please just for my sake" I said

She lift up her head and gave me a kiss on my cheek before laying her head again
"I promise~"

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