Chapter 2: The One With Change

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Chapter 2: The One With Change

Photo on the side: Austin

"Would you just stay still? You are ruining my work" Austin hissed while he positioned my head back to its original space. To be fair the position he wanted me to stay in was incredibly uncomfortable and him burning me with the flat iron every couple of seconds wasn't making the job easier. 

"I would if you just stopped burning me" I hissed back, glaring at the bunch of accessories Austin had placed in front of me.

After everyone ate breakfast, Austin pulled me to his room and started giving me a slight make over for when Alpha Logan arrives. Apparently I wasn't dressed or styled properly to meet the Alpha with the biggest pack and resources in the world so he took it upon himself to change that. 

I felt like in those TV shows I used to watch all the time where they did a complete makeover of the house in 24 hours and they all stood outside screaming something about moving the bus s they could see. Except this time the makeover was me and the bus was Austin's body blocking me from the mirror. 

He made changes to my hair, make up and clothes. He also told the Alpha about making me clean the beta's house so I wouldn't get in trouble for all that wasted time.  "Where did you even learn to do all this?" I asked him pointing to the bags filled with stuff I didn't even know the names to. Stuff I haven't seen before today.

"Lily, trust me. You really don't want to know" He whispered in my ear before going to back to my hair.

"Done" He exclaimed 10 minutes later giving me a slight push forward. "Now put those on" He pointed to a pack of clothes that were on the table. He should do this for a living, he is next level good with all that is physical. 

I got up and went to the bathroom, taking the clothes with me. He gave me a casual yellow dress, which is one of my favorite colors, which was kind of mid-thigh and absolutely gorgeous. What I loved most about it was the fact that it didn't seem like it was found in the trash used by many people before, like all of my other clothes. I looked fresh, I looked clean, I actually looked decent for the first time in years. 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him while I finished adjusting the dress. I shouldn't be surprised that it was my size since Austin knew everything about me.

"I don't know I just have a good feeling about this Alpha. As soon as I heard he was coming my twin senses started tingling. So either something good is going to happen with the two of you or this bitch right here is getting himself an Alpha daddy" He said and I knew my laughter could be heard through the door, especially with his wolf hearing. 

"I hope you're right and you get yourself someone to love. I've already given up hope" I answered stepping out of the bathroom once I was done.

"Don't be like that boo, just because these people don't know how to treat people who are different doesn't mean everyone is like that" He said with his pity smile, I know he feels bad for me even when I tell him all the time not to. But I stopped asking for the end of the pity gaze because I know that if the roles were reversed I would probably feel the same.

"Now let's look at this hot mama, girl if you weren't my twin and looked exactly like me and if I wasn't gay I would've flirted with you. And that's possibly all I can imagine because you know incest and vaginas aren't really my thing" Was his comment once he focused on what he gave me to wear.

I giggled at his behavior and turned back to look at the mirror. The look was pretty casual but compared to what I usually wear, it looked formal. Plus, my hair was straighten which was different from my usual curvy styled hair.

"Thank you Austin, for everything" I said to him and he smiled.

"Of course, family means that no one gets left behind or forgotten" He said in his stitch voice.

"Somebody should tell the rest of my family that" I muttered but he obviously heard it.

"Again? don't worry about them" He said pulling me into a hug. "You have me".

"I love you Austin" I muttered in his chest. "I love you more Lily. You deserve so much better" He answered planting a small kiss on my head.

I don't know what I'll ever do without him. I would even take a bullet for my dear brother but I know he would probably scold at me in my own funeral and tell me I shouldn't have done that. 

"Okay, let's stop hugging before I start crying. I look beautiful today and no puffy eyes are ruining that" Austin said pushing me away and taking a step back. "Better" He nodded to himself and wiped his imaginary tears.

I giggled once again before my eyes landed on the clock behind my lovely brother. The bold red lights signaled 11:34 am. Which meant I'm late to cook lunch.

"Oh my god, I have to go cook before the Alpha arrives. I know you excused me for the morning but if they see an empty plate I am going to die" I said leaving the room.

"Lily!" Austin called and I stopped to look at him. "Just remember, chest and butt out, and always make eye contact".

I ignored his last comment and went almost running to the kitchen. I placed the chicken on the oven and started making the rice.

I leaned against the counter and immediately got off. The scars felt so uncomfortable and foreign against the fabric I was wearing. Every whip, knife and burn that was inflected on my skin left a scar. I wish I could accept them like I did with every other issue in my life but somewhere deep inside of me I knew that they didn't belong in my body and never will. 

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when I heard the chatter of my pack. I looked around to see people rushing down the halls and out the front door. I walked around the counter and looked out the window. My whole pack was in a formation of 5 lines that were organized by age and the ones with a tittle were on the front. 3 black cars were parked a few feet away from my alpha which I am guessing are the Bloodmoon pack's Alpha and Beta. The ones who always make the pack visits.

I quickly returned to the kitchen remembering the last time the Alpha caught me snooping through the window.

Almost 5 minutes passed when I heard the front door being slammed opened and closed. I straightened up expecting to see the Alpha but in return saw the most handsome man in the world.

His eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue I had ever seen. His jaw was hard set and framed his perfect cheeks and nose. To make matters better he had the most beautiful plump pink lips. His brown hair was styled upwards in a somewhat quiff that didn't touch his eyes.

His muscular arms defined his wide chest, if that was even possible. You could see his abs through his white shirt. 

He was freaking perfect. My mind had to be playing tricks on me. 

I looked at his eyes once again to make sure he was real and that's when as cliché as it sounds, the world around us stopped. It was just me and him, someone I had never seen before and I have served food to anyone in this entire pack. And believe me that if I had met this man before I would've totally remembered him. Maybe he was from the Bloodmoon pack. 

And while I was in this little mind trip looking at the beautiful piece of art before me, it opened his mouth and growled the words I never thought I'd hear in my entire life. "Mate". 

Well.... Shit. Shit, Shit, Shit. 

"Don't worry about someone that doesn't worry about you"

- Wiz Khalifa

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