Chapter 20: The One With Michaela

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Chapter 20: The One With Michaela

"Okay, now try blocking me" Logan said sending a punch straight to my face. By instinct I blocked it with my arm.

Before I knew it he tried to land a punch in my stomach. I quickly used the other hand to send the punch to the side.

This went on for a few minutes before he landed two punches rapidly in my stomach. They didn't hurt at all so I smiled at him.

"Can I punch now?" I asked him and he shrugged.

Before he could see it coming I landed three punches in his shoulder. "Fuck you're fast, let's see if you can do it again" He said and made a movement indicating that I should walk towards him. It was a challenge, I'm starting to love these. 

I yelled and tried to punch him in the face. He blocked my punch and tried to land one in my stomach. We kept on punching each other and blocking each other's punches that we both got bored. We were both too good at defensive and offensive and we were just avoiding each other's attacks. It wasn't like I was actually good at this, my instincts were just too quick for him to attack me. 

"I'm guessing this is going to go on for quite a bit" He said when we both gave up at the same time.

"Yeah, let's finish this some other time" I said. He nodded and we both laughed.

"I'm going to run and then take a shower, are you coming with me?" I asked him.

"to the run or to the shower?" He asked with a slight smirk.

"To the first one and maybe you can go to the second one alone, because you need it" I said to him and he chuckled before taking my hand and pulling me into a hug.

I wrapped my hands around his waist and snuggled my head in his neck. "I thought you didn't like sweaty hugs" He said with a pout.

"I'm getting used to them" I said and stepped away, only to give him a quick peck.

"I would love to run with you, but we already did and I really have to meet a few people from the pack after I shower. I'll see you soon" He said and gave me a kiss before running back to the house.

I looked at the house for a few seconds before I stretched my legs for a few minutes and ran towards the woods. I went towards the path I had been on a hundred times but stopped at the familiar Lake.

This time its water was not the healthy water I had always seen, it was white. And not an infected white it was like someone had dropped a gallon of paint into the lake. Not even snow looked like this. 

I bent down and over my clear survival instinct, touched the water. As soon as I touched it, it turned back to its normal color.

Scared, I immediately took my hand back. The water then returned to its white color. What is going on? Hell, I've experienced a lot of freaky and confusing things in this past few months but this was freaking me out.

I, once again touched the water but this time it wasn't the change of color that scared me. It was the voice coming from the far end of the lake.

"Lily" It said. I looked up and saw a woman standing in the water. She had white hair with blue eyes and was only wearing a white robe. The weird thing was that it wasn't any type of white I have seen, it looked angelic, it was even a real comparison. 

"Yes?" I asked and she stepped forward until she was in the middle of the lake.

"I'm guessing you have some questions" She said and sat down in a Rock that was right beneath her feet. Although I swear I hadn't seen that rock before in my life. 

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