Chapter 11: The One With Girl Time

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Chapter 11: The One With Girl Time

I walked to the kitchen to see all of Logan's friends there. I mean I already met them and I can hang out with them but I don't know if they're real friends yet except Barbara. I think she is my only friend here for now. 

"Hey" I greeted them, making them all greet me back at the same time. I'm not a wolf but that sort of hurt my ears. They were a bit loud and I actually don't mind, at least they were nice to me. 

I sat down beside Logan and started eating the brunch that the girls made. It was absolutely delicious. I was going to help them cook but Logan didn't wake me up and I overslept. I am also glad I'm taking a break from cooking, I loved creating art with food but being forced to do something really takes the joy out of hobbies. 

A few of them started leaving once they were finished eating until it was just Logan, Barbara, Michael and me. "Baby" Logan called and I focused my attention on him. "Me and Michael are going to be in a meeting all day, so you should stay here with Barbara. Get to know each other better" He said and I nodded with a smile.

He smiled back and took a hold of my chin. Without hesitation Logan placed his lips softly on mine. I responded to his kiss and pulled away before it could get heated. He gave me another kiss on the cheek before grabbing Michael, who seemed to be done saying goodbye to Barbara,  by the arm and pulled him towards the door.

Me and Barbara finished eating and threw away the foam plates in the trash cans. They really don't like to wash dishes. I can relate. 

"Oh my god, Lily" She said in horror and I immediately started looking around me in alarm.

"What happened?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Oh my god, look at the clothes you're wearing" As soon as she said I stopped looking and stared at her in annoyance.

"I was actually worried Barbara. You can't do that to people" I scolded at her but she didn't care as she walked closer to me.

"You should, I mean I would've if I owned clothes like this" She started circling me like a wolf does to it's prey. Which seemed kind of accurate right now. "We're like going shopping, right now".

"I want to, but I don't have any money" I said and she shrugged and went to the counter. She took her wallet and pulled out a black card. "I do, Lily believe me this is all on me, It would be my pleasure".

"Are you sure? I don't want to spend your money" I said, I really didn't. I mean, they have done enough for me on the time that I've been here. I don't want to add wasting someone's money to the list.

"Of course I'm sure, but first let's get you changed. You're not going to the mall dressed in what looks like worn out pajamas " I led her to my room and into the closet.

"Lily, you have every girl's dream closet and you don't even have a quarter filled" She gasped as she looked at the closet and the small portion I filled. "Okay, let's get you some clothing, right now".

A few minutes later she turned around with one of Logan's denim shirt in her hands. She placed it on my hands and then went to my drawers. She handed me my black leggings and piled it on top of the shirt.

"And with these boots, we're done" She handed me a pair of boots I've never seen before. "Now change" I went to the bathroom and changed quickly before going back outside where Barbara was waiting for me. 

"You look beautiful, now let's just roll this up" She said rolling up the sleeves of my shirt a little bit.

"Now let's go" She said and I shook my head. "Wait, shouldn't we like tell our mates" I said and she stopped walking.

"You do know that the mall is in on pack territory. But I'll just mindlink Michael to tell him" She stood silent for a while before signing.

"Just write Logan a letter because they blocked everyone out" I nodded and took out a piece of paper and a sharpie that was laying on the counter.

" I went with Barbara to the mall to buy new clothes. See you later.

There, simple but effective. I placed it under his Cologne and left the room. We got on Barbara's car and drove about half an hour into the territory to The Grove mall. I have never been here but even I could identity it. It's even ranked one of the best malls on the USA. I researched a lot  when I was bored.

She parked in of the closest spots to the entrance and we walked the rest of the path.

"They're going to be humans in there so don't say anything suspicious. You never know who could be listening" She whispered in my ear right before we entered the madness of people.

"Now the adventure begins" She said loudly and practically dragged me into a store full of dresses.

"The only rule is that it is covering the back and stomach" I said to her and she nodded without questions.

Only Logan knows about my old pack and he promised to keep it that way until I decided I was ready to tell the people I wanted to tell. And even if everyone knew, I don't think I'll ever be comfortable enough that I show them off. 

I started searching in a rack of dresses and picked a black one that was gorgeous and conservative.

"Here, try this one" Barbara appeared out of nowhere and handed me a few hangers.

I ended up picking 6 because the other 9 didn't fit me well. After the dress shop, we went to a couple of famous stores like Forever 21, Nordstrom, Charlotte Russe, Hot Topic, Shoe Carnival, Pink, Victoria's Secret, Sephora, Top Shop, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, Starbucks, I managed to convinced her into buying me a book in Barnes and Noble and Barbara even bought a cheesecake at Cheesecake factory.

"They really need to stop putting in new stores" I said, collapsing on a bench near by.

"Lily, we have to go. Now" She said suddenly standing up alarmed. 

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked as we walked back towards the car with our bags in our hands.

"Some guard spotted rogues on the pack line so Logan went to look for us and we weren't there so he kind of freaked out but then one of the guards told him he saw us leaving and another that they spotted us at the mall and now he's just mad" She said in one single breath.

"Are we in trouble? " I asked her and she nodded her head.

I don't know why Logan is mad since I am in pack territory, I'm with one of his fellow werewolf friends and I left him a note explaining our whereabouts. Well I guess I was going to find out soon.

We placed our bags in the backseat and drove away. And just because the universe loved us we got in big traffic on the way back.

We got back to the house at approximately 5pm. "Do you want me to go in with you?" She asked as I stepped out of her car with all my little bags inside the big ones so that I could carry them all and still all the shoe ones where in the back seat.

"No, you go to your own mate" I said and she smiled at me. "Okay, I'll bring you the other bags later. Just call me when you're done talking" I nodded and she drove away.

Well I hope I don't have to argue with Logan which I probably think I do. So, good luck to me.

"To die will be an awfully big adventure"

-Peter Pan

I'm sorry about the slow updates but I'm really swamped with school. I mean this week only, I had 6 exams, 1 group project and 4 homeworks :-).

At least I met all of my crushes, all 3. And they are so freaking gorgeous, God damn it. Ok I'm done.

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