Chapter 27: The One With Tears

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Chapter 27: The One With Tears

Logan's POV:

"Where is he?" Lily asked and stepped forward.

The One in the middle did a signal with his hand and immediately they brought Austin to him with a blindfold covering his eyes. I don't really understand the blindfold since from what I saw and smelled he was literally like in the next room. Not much of a secret there. 

"I want only one of you to hand her over or he dies immediately" He said. 

The plan was pretty easy. We were going to hand lily over and once she was with him she would strike the leader while our warriors were waiting outside with a potion that we had acquired that shielded their scents so they were invisible. I mean it had some flaws but Lily was not going to play when it came to her brother and we only had a few hours to come up with something. 

I took Lily's hand and walked towards them. If I hadn't practiced how calm and collected I would seem, everyone would've saw me shaking from nervousness. Austin was practically sending daggers to us but I didn't look at him because I would probably back out of the plan.

I grabbed Lily's chin and pressed my lips against her. Giving her a kiss in front of everyone and I couldn't give a single fuck. Damn it, I hated this plan so much. 

As I pulled away I immediately didn't want to go along but I'm sure if I made her leave she wouldn't talk to me for a long time.

The man grabbed Lily by the arm and pushed Austin my way.

I walked backwards with Austin, my eyes never left Lily's. A few seconds later, she winked at me which was our signal. It was pretty discreet and not at all 

Before I could signal the rest of the pack. I saw the end of a knife pierce into Lily's chest.

"No " I yelled and ran towards Lily but she was already on the ground. No signal needed cause we attacked. The ones that were outside ran in from all the entrances and started attacking the rouges.

I felt tears leaving my eyes and sobs escaping my mouth but that's not important right now, not ever. 

I grabbed the knife in her chest but it immediately burned me, this must be torture for her. "Someone give me a rag, right now" I yelled and was handed one in a matter of seconds. I grabbed the knife and threw it on the floor beside me. Wrapped so that maybe it could be used to counteract the silver or I don't know just something. 

"No, this can't happen" I said and tried to stop the blood from flowing but it was no use.

I took my shirt off and pressed it against her wound meanwhile she tried to breathe, but blood was spluttering out of her mouth. It was a sight I had hoped to never see, but here I am. 

"Logan I love you" She meant to say even if it was a bit distorted  I understood it. I would always understand her. 

As soon as she said that her eyes closed. "No, Lily I love you. Don't do this to me. I love you okay?" I said but she didn't respond.

That's when I felt my heart break. I mean literally break in two. I screamed from pain but I didn't care about my pain because I knew exactly why it hurt.

"You can't leave me. Not like this. We haven't mated, we don't have kids. We were supposed to grow old together and then travel around the world like my parents. They sent me a photo yesterday. They were eating ice cream in Spain. Lily I wanted to be all grey and useless but happy together. I wanted us to name a child, teach him our ways, how to be an alpha. We had so much together. You can't be gone, not like this. You don't deserve to die like this, you didn't deserve to live like this" I cried to her as I took her hair out of her face.

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