4. Blocking

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[Avni: We have blocking rehearsals today which were always my favourite because it always feels like one big bonding experience, in character and outside of it. But now that Natalie Bagley had lost her hamster and was making it everyone's problem, well excuse me for being a bit testy. Who looks for a hamster anyways? Aren't they just like little cats who'll come back when they're hungry or sleepy?]

"...I was at the computer lab, bribing some hacker to crack into my phone to recover a message you deleted when you stole it," Nini's voice rang out.

"Wait why did you think that-" EJ defended himself. His lip was busted.

"What happened to EJ's face?" Avni asked Ashlyn.

"Ricky threw a basketball at him during rehearsal."

Avni's eyes grew wide, and Ashlyn nodded, sharing the sentiment.

EJ and Nini had huddled up farther away, and their conversation was no longer audible. But judging from the looks on their faces, it was obviously not going well for EJ.

"You know, when EJ said he was going to come clean- didn't buy it for a second," Avni said. Ashlyn only shrugged.

"Hey is the door locked or something? Why can't we get in?" Nini asked all of us.

"Oh, Natalie's missing her emotional support hamster, he got lose. Gina and Carlos are helping her find it," Ashlyn replied.

A high- pitched scream came from inside the theatre.

"I think they found it."

"Dead, probably," Avni said under her breath. Big Red cracked a grin.

Nini and EJ turned back to talk to each other, again in hushed voices.

A minute later, Natalie stormed out, "I need a moment."

Gina rushed out after her. "I'm gonna go help her. Get EJ to shine at rehearsals today," Gina told Avni. She nodded, not questioning her.

"Is he dead?" Ashlyn asked Carlos.

"No, now she thinks he's in her gym locker."

"Why the screaming?"

"That was me, she stepped on my toe. We're ready to begin people."

We all trudged into the bomb shelter.


"Okay Ricky's running late so Nini and EJ, you're on for Breaking Free," Carlos announced.

EJ stepped forward, but Nini was nowhere to be found- and neither was Gina. Which sent Carlos into a frenzy, "Why can't you people just be here- we have to block this-"

Avni saw her chance. "Okay, Carlos, calm down. I can fill in for Gabriella. I know the part," she offered. Glancing at EJ, she said, "We've blocked this stage a million times."

He nodded, not entirely looking at her.

"Okay, let's do this," Carlos said.

EJ and Avni walked to the side of the stage. "We'll move up, right?" Avni asked.

"I'll go centre stage first, then come back for you, then we can both move up together," EJ said, somewhat shakily.

Ignoring his demeanour, Avni nodded, "We can use the space when the song picks up. Sounds good?" Avni asked Miss Jenn and Carlos. They nodded.

The stage was set and the music started.

Avni stood as far downstage as she could, looking nervous as EJ smiled at her encouragingly, all of his apprehension vanishing as he walked towards centre stage, starting his lines, "We're soaring, flying, there's not a star in heaven that we can't reach, if we're trying, so, we're breaking free."

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