28. Nightmare

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Jaelyn's POV

" We heard the bell ring.. lunch time..

' So how was your day today? ' Sarah asked me while we both sat for lunch in school cafeteria.
' so far so good.. what about you? ' I asked her while chewing my burger. I love food. Nothing makes my mood better.
' Yeah just normal .. where is Xander? I have something for you two..' she asked me looking around for him.
' No idea..What's that in your hand?' I asked her. It looked like a jewel box.
She smiled at me and said ' It's a gift Zee.. This will save you someday . One for you, one for Xander and one for me'
' wow.. this pendent looks good. It's kinda unique ' I said while wearing the chain she gave me.
' yup.. it is. It's custom made. Glad you like it. I designed it. See, it even has your name inside. Don't remove it. Or loose it. This will remind you of our friendship' she said while wearing her chain.
Then suddenly I was standing on a dance floor.. Inferno.. ' we shouldn't be here Sarah .. ' I kept telling her.
' Relax Zee.. Now move your body girl ' she said dancing to the music
Now where am I .. Is this a hospital? Why am I here.. Why am I having oxygen mask.
' Jaelyn. what have you done dear? ' I heard my dad's voice. I saw him crying with my mom and william
' Dad.. what happened..' I asked him as he sat next to me holding my hands .
' Can you hear me darling.. Please wake up soon' He said still holding my hand.
' But dad.. I'm here.. please don't cry' I told him trying to wake up from the hospital bed.
Soon I was back in my school. I entered my school alone. No Xander , No Sarah ..
I was alone.. As I walked to my locker, I heard murmurs and whispers around me.
' Look who is here girls.. the famous Jaelyn Richard and here I thought she was an innocent nerd' Amber said.
' How is she even out .. wasn't she suppose to be dead by now? She has to be expelled for what she did to her best friend. She can be a threat ' Britney said chewing her gum.
' Oh Brit.. Don't you know? She is rich. Her money can cover up anything. She can even make us disappear. Manipulative Bitch.' Amber said . I turned around and saw Xander standing near his locker looking at me.
' Xander.. ' I called him.. but he started to walk away from me.. I ran behind him yelling his name..
' Xander.. please listen to me.. please .. I'm sorry .. ' I was crying and calling out his name. Soon I dashed on someone.
' I'm sorry.. I'm in a rush to meet my.. Oh my God ... Hazi ? What are you doing here in my school. '
' School? .. Are you insane ? First you lied about yourself and now you act crazy .. Is this some kind of joke for you.. ' he said with anger in his eyes. I just looked around. I was standing in front of him in his office hallway.
' uh.. Hazi.. what happened? '
' Are you serious right now Ziva ? No.. No.. Jaelyn..That's your name right. I was falling for the wrong girl.. you broke my trust and love. Never ever come in my life again. Now get lost '
' Hazi.. you got everything wrong .. let me explain..' I tried to convince him. He knew that I'm Jaelyn.
' Leave me alone. Jaelyn Richard.'
I started to cry again.. I was calling his name. But he left me on a hallway all alone. ' please don't leave me alone ' "

" Ziv.. wake up.. wake up right now.. you are scaring me " I heard someone yelling my name. I woke up. I found myself in my bed. Natalie was looking at me with concern. My body was trembling and drenched with sweat. I was feeling hard to breath and also found myself shaking.

" What happened? " She asked me. I couldn't respond to her. I was breathing heavily.

" Fuck .... I'm calling William " she said while getting up from my bed and left my room.

' I'm having a panic attack again.. It's been a while. I was normal. What happened now. ' While I was thinking, William came inside with a box. Natalie followed him.

" Relax .. Breathe slowly .. Follow my instructions. Breath in.. and breath out. " He said while sitting beside me and patted my back. Then he looked around for something.

" Natalie.. Do me a favor. Bring her some water " she gave him a nod. Once she left the room, William gave me a hug.
" Relax Jael.. calm down.. we are here. I'm here for you. Breath .. " he said .
Once my breath got normal, He pulled away from me.

" Nightmare ? " He asked me. I gave him a nod.
" Are you still having them? " He asked me once again.
" I was fine.. But.. But.. " I couldn't complete my sentence. I heard Natalie entering the room.
" Hey Ziv.. are you ok now. I got scared. " She said looking at me with concern
" I'm sorry. " I told both of them.
" Here takes these medicine and have some rest " William said giving me some pills and a glass of water. After some time, I fell asleep.

Morning sunlight entered into my bedroom window. I woke up and went to my bathroom. Took a shower and got dressed up. I found my phone in my bag. I had 10 text messages and 5 missed calls all from Haziel.

I came down for breakfast.
" How are you feeling now ? " My brother asked me as I sat next to him.
" I'm good .. Thank you for yesterday" I said while having my coffee.
Soon my dad came and sat along with my mom." Good morning everyone" he said
We all wished him back. Natalie also joined us soon.

" So I have an important announcement to make. Since everyone are here, I'll let you know now. " He said clearing his throat.

We all looked each other and then looked back at him . " What is it dad? Is everything okay? " My brother asked him

" Oh .. Everything is fine. This Friday, we are having a Small Thanksgiving dinner with my friends and business associates. I want everyone of you to be there. That includes you both too. I want to announce the engagement of my son to everyone in my business circle. It will be a small gathering with few people. " My father said looking at us. We all gave him a nod.

My cellphone rang making everyone in the table to look at me." Sorry .. I need to take this " I said looking at my phone. It was Haziel .

I moved away from the table and spoke
" Hello"
" Hello.. Ziva are you ok? I was worried . Is something bothering you? " He asked me.
" Umm.. can I meet you after lunch at your office "
" Yeah ... Sure. " He said.
" Ok I'll see you then " I said hanging down my call.

I can't avoid him. I can't run away from him. I have to explain few things to him. I can do this.

' Clear things in a professional way '
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