Back to the hospital

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                     {Authors note}
Hey guys I'm editing all of my stories and adding trigger warnings

                       - yelling
                       - hitting
                       - knives
                       - cutting
                       - and other such abuse


I was getting into my PJs listening to my parents hoping they wouldn't start yelling and throwing things. It's been like that for as long as I could remember me going to bed while they had fake smiles and used fake words towards each other. As soon as I leave they start arguing, throwing stuff at each other. Part of me wishes my grandmother was still here, maybe then I could have stayed at her house. Out of nowhere, I felt like something watching me, turned and glanced everywhere, but finding nothing I turned back around and let my thoughts take over. But a few minutes later I felt the same weird tingling feeling of eyes following my every step, my every move. I looked over my shoulder but saw nothing

"Will you quit being so paranoid Jason?"

I say inside my head shaking myself and feeling some of the tension leaving my body. Finally, they stopped yelling and I heard a car driving off. That's probably mom, she always leaves me to deal with dad. He's the real monster. Turning over in the bed so I didn't face the door I pulled the covers over me and waited. It wasn't long before I heard him opening a beer bottle and heading straight for my room, shutting my eyes and hoping he didn't come in. He stopped by my door and just pounded it while yelling at the top of his lungs.


Shivering knowing what he's gonna make me do. I know better than to wait any longer or it would be worse.


Hearing that warning I instantly go to the door and wait for the inevitable to happen.

"Well now that wasn't so hard was it"

He grabs me roughly by the arm and drags me to the kitchen. Pushing me to the ground then he starts kicking, punching, and cursing at me. Picking me up he then grabs two glasses and a knife and said.

"Get up and sit down."
"Y-yes, sir."

I replied quietly and sat down shaking feeling nervous because I never know what he's gonna do. Sometimes he  keeps kicking me and then locks me in my room without food for days on end. Now feeling more nervous about what he was doing because I knew he had no mercy. He took one of the glasses and broke it into big pieces and took the butt of the knife and keeps pounding it into smaller pieces. He went to the blender and turned it on. After a few more minutes he stopped the blender and brought the other glass over and poured the remainder of the glass fibers in it then poured milk and some sawdust from a previous project, into the glass and mixed it up with the knife ,set it in front of me and said.

"Drink it if you don't I'll do something way worse than this you stupid animal."

I nodded and started to drink while trying not to throw up while I was drinking it. He took my arm and started cutting my wrists deeply.

"W-what are y-you doing"

He stopped and slapped me hard

"Shut up animals don't talk they do what they're told."

I nodded and tried not to cry knowing what would happen. He kept cutting while I drank. First on one wrist then the other after he told me to drink some sleeping pills. I took them and swallowed. The darkness followed but so did the bliss and possibility of death After a while I heard something calling my name. I saw glowing eyes and heard a creature calling out. I tried calling out for it

"H-hey what are y-you"

It reached out for me with its long claws. I just sat there waiting because nothing could be worse than my dad's punishment. The creature was kinda of furry with long green claws and white glowing eyes.

"Hello Jason I've been waiting for this day"

"What d-do you m-mean waiting for the t-this day"

The creature then disappeared leaving me alone in the darkness. I awoke with a start covering my eyes to help me see with blinding lights all around me. I realized all of a sudden that I wasn't in my bed, I had bandages on my body an IV was set up along with a monitor.

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