The backstory of the creature

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{ Authors note }
Hey guys in this part of the story there are gonna be some triggers so I will list them and please don't read this chapter if any of them trigger you it won't affect the story if you don't read this chapter.
- witchcraft
- suicide
- gore and blood
- talk about death


After going back to sleep as the doctor walked out. My dreams got weird again, all of a sudden I was in the dark place but a different part I think of it. It was like a room with a table and chair, with food on it. I was looking everywhere and then I spotted the creature it changed shapes as I looked at it it changed to a humanoid figure.

"Well hello, please sit down and eat."

He waved at the table with his hands but is still looked liked his claws. I smiled and nodded still kinda scared but slowly trusting this creature so I sat down and started eating. He just kinda stood there and watched me them he said.

"Would you like to know more about me ?"

I looked up surprised and kinda confused.

"What do you mean, more about you?"

"Well like how about my life story and how I become what I am and how I can help you if you still want me to help you after I tell you everything ."

I thought about it and trying to figure out why he would even want to help me of even tell me these things.

"I can see you have some doubts about me, that's ok that's to be expected but I wouldn't betray your trust I want the best for you. "

I nodded , finally swallowing and nodded at him that he could tell me. So he made a chair appear and sat down. He leaned back and got comfortable before starting to talk.

" I am about 735 years old I've seen a lot of this world and what's it's been through. And I've seen a lot of good and bad come from the world, from everyone. But I've also helped a lot of people like you. And even though you might still be not comfortable around me yet and still nervous. I'm still going to help you and let you take your time trusting me and getting to know me. I came from a witches spell gone wrong. She was trying to summon a demon but instead she made me a weird and disfigured thing that no one knows who is what to call it. Or exactly what exactly happened to create me. But something went wrong and I happened. I use to have wings and a tail. But a few years after I was made I was flying around and a hunter mistook me for a bird and shot me down. After seeing me he got so surprised at me he took me to the local doctor and my tail broke my fall so it got the most damage besides my wing which he shot so I had to get them removed. The man felt so bad he took me in. His name was Dempsey he lost his wife and his only child due to childbirth and the complications and he was by himself. He was so lonely so I stayed with him and helped him around the hut we lived in then after I was finally grown up I was only ever in my human figure unless I was with him at the hut. I got a job and helped him until he died about five years later. So I became so sad that I tried to commit suicide but that's when I realized that I can't die so I just became a shadow and disappeared until I was just wondering around and I saw a family beating and hitting a kid just like your father does to you and the blood boiled inside of me and by the time I realized what I did they were dead I had killed them. I had clawed their heads off but apparently that wasn't good enough for me and there were a lot of deep gashes and cuts all over their bodies and the pool of blood was growing from underneath the bodies."

I was so intrigued and interested in the story I forgot I was supposed to be afraid of the creature. I was still eating and every time I ran out of water it seemed to instantly be filled again.

"The kid was already dead from what the parents did and there was nothing I could do. So I dug a grave for the poor kid and laid them to rest, after I buried the kid I set the parents on fire and watched them burn. And that's how I found out I liked helping kids out of abusive situations and I would love to continue helping you if you let me."

He looked at me and smiled and I could see the kindness and caring behind his eyes.

"So will you let me continue helping you?"

I looked at him and felt a need to trust him and get his help and the compassion in his eyes how could i not.

"Yes I would like you to continue to help me."

Nodding he leaves and the whole room starts to disappear again, until a different dream carries me away into a happy life and a different world.

{Hey guys sorry I haven't had time to continue writing and that's because I have a lot going on I got kicked out by my parents and my bfs family is letting me stay with them so I have to work my schedule around them and anyway I'll try to updating alot more now since I don't have to listen to arguing at me house or being shouted at. Also I just found out from my doctors I have D.I.D ( Dislocate Identity Disorder) so if I type or my writing style is different that's why and I'll do more info about that later 😅. I'm fine btw but I will be trying to finish all my books and stuff the year or by the next couple years I have plans for more books after the ones I'm writing are done so peace out ✌️}

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