The paperwork and the aftermath

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After I woke up still in the hospital bed with IVs in my arm I sat up hearing footsteps approaching the room and knock on the door.

"You can come in."

I say in a small weak voice, two cops come in the room and a social worker. Confused and dazed I look between them hoping to read their body language but they remained neutral.

"Why are you guys here am I leaving going to a new home or did my dad say something else?"

They look over and I see one of them hand me a small black book.

"We found this under your bed thought you might want it back."

One of the cops handed me the book and the others watched my expression as I took the book and looked through it not giving them anything in my expression. As I looked through the book, I noticed it wasn't my handwriting but I didn't say anything or looked confused.

"Thank you for finding it."

I said briskly before looking up at them again. The social worker was looking at me weirdly and the two cops had their notebooks open ready to ask questions and other stuff like usual. I sighed and leaned back in my hospital bed getting ready to answer the same questions for the millionth time.

"I'm Sargent Stillwater"

said the semi tall dark skinned man in his mid forties with a long braid going down his back. He turned and pointed to his partner a small petite woman mid twenties with strawberry blonde hair with dark red highlights and green and gray with hints of bright blue in her eyes.

"This is my partner Officer McKinley we just wanted to ask you a few questions but first anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law you have the right to a lawyer and if you cannot afford one one will be provided for you, would you like a lawyer present?"

He questioned looking at me, I shook my head and waited for him to continue.

"We have some news that you might want to hear but do you want to bad news or good news first?''

I looked confused,

"Bad news I guess?"

I answered still confused wondering what it could be.

"We found your mom dead in a car accident late last night I'm sorry for your loss."

My body froze my throat was closing and my mind was realling I couldn't believe it my mom least my dad didn't kill her like he always said he would, but still I hurt my one place that was safe was now gone.

"T-the good news...."
I looked up at them refusing to cry in front of them.

"The good news your dad signed away his rights in exchange for less time in jail, also you may have to testify if the judge needs you."

I nodded and looked down at my bed wondering what was gonna happen now what would I do where would I go and what about the creature and how he was gonna help me I shook my head a little and calmed down my thoughts.

"Where will I stay, I don't know if we had any family members?"

They nodded gruffly and looks at the social worker as she walked back in the room I never noticed her leaving weird I thought but let it go for now.

Hi sweetie my names Maggie I'll be helping you find a foster family while you recover in the hospital they never told me how old you were though?"

"U-um I don't know how old I am. I never went to school or had a birthday but I know about them because mom taught me to read and she would sneak me books at night."

The cops nodded and the social worker was concerned.

"What else do you know how to do like math or something?"

"What's math?"

I asked confused looking at her earnestly. She sighed and shook her head.

"It's oki we'll figure it out after you get healed up, the doctors want you to remain here for a couple more days."

Nodding and leans back my back and head starting to hurt.

"Can you get the doctor please."

My stomach started pulsing and I turned over on my side grabbing a gag bag and started pouring up my guts but the problem was it was red a dark nasty red that smelles putrid.

The cops hurriedly got the doctor and the social worker was calm and came over and rubbed my back whispering sweet nothing's making me calm down. After about five more minutes on and off throwing up the doctor came and took the bag away saying they needed to test it and see what was happening. To tired to argue another nurse came in a gave me three small blue pills and some water, quickly swallowing the pills I started feeling sleepy and the pain was gone laying back down I almost didn't notice when I saw the nurse grab a needle and some unknown medicine in a bottle. But to tired to care as I felt a tiny prick falling into the dark void as the voices started and so did the dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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