The First Night of Nightmares

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After waking up from seeing the beast or monster I don't know what it was. I saw I had a ton of IVs and bandages. I heard beating , I looked up and saw a heart monitor as I watched it . I realized I was still alive and had to go back with my dad after the doctors patched me up and set a case worker to our home. There was nothing I could do, Mom and Dad would say something and make it all seem like I was extremely suicidal and depressed and had been acting like this for years and had multiple attempts. No matter what I do the doctors always seem to believe that I was the paranoid suicidal kid. Realizing I had no way to help I just rolled over and dissociated for awhile. I heard a knock at the door and realized I had fallen asleep. The doctor steps in with a chart , I look at him waiting for him to tell me I can be released in a few days and that he has a list of therapists lined up for me to try a long with more antidepressants and anxiety medication. He smiles and walks over he gently pats my shoulder.

"Your father told me about your history but I would like to know what your home life is like , any violence or fighting going on at home maybe your getting bullied or can't get good enough grades?"

Sitting up I look up at the doctor while taking a quick look around the room I realized I had been transferred to a different room.

"Do you really care about what happens to me or are you just going to do nothing about it , sure you'll send a social worker and she'll give you the usual report and then when I see you next time if I see you again it'll be the same thing no one ever helps so why speak out?"

The doctor straightens up and clears his throat.

"Why don't you just tell me what's been going on and I will do everything in my power to help you."

I looked at him suspicious about what he said he would do but I'd do anything at this point to get out of that house.

"Ok fine I'll tell you, this has been going on since I could remember my dad and mom always argue and she leaves and stays away for a couple of days then they make up and it's good for a couple of days maybe a week then he gets drunk and they start arguing and then he takes his anger out on me, he starts hitting me and cutting me. The first time he broke a bone I think I was ten and after that it just escalated. He started drinking more and torturing me if I do something wrong like get a low grade or come home one minute late he throws glass at the ground, and laughs as he pushes me down on my knees to clean it up and but this was the first time he made me drink something he mixed glass shards with sawdust and milk. While I was drinking it he started cutting me and told me to drink some water and handed me some pills and I woke up here.

"Well there are several options you can take to get out of this situation, because you are sixteen if you would like to be emaciated you could do the paperwork and it would be done and probably granted by the time you are seventeen or is there a relative you can live with or I can try to put you in foster care and if you can gather evidence or anything about what your father does to you I can ask an officer to make a file for it and he can go to jail."

"Anything you can do as long as I can get out of that house is fine with me."

"Well I'll let you rest while I look over some things and see what I can do."

As he walks out and closes the door he looks throught some papers that I'm sure are a list of medications or a lists of therapist. But I was thinking about something else a way to escape the life I was currently living.

-Hey guys sorry about the long wait to get this updated. I'm going through some stuff at home and I will try to upload a chapter a week.-

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