Chapter 27

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A convoy of Arcadian Vehicles arrived in one of the outposts that the Arcadian Military were able to set up. In the base, Jaune is in their makeshift Command Center as he keeps an eye out for White Fang movements.

Ren: Gold Leader. This is Gold Two, hostage Team has arrived.

Jaune: Copy that. Heading topside now.

Jaune heads outside as he sees a bunch of vehciles heading in and a truck where Sun's Titan is holding on to. As they all step out of the vehicles, the same goes for Sun as he jumps down from SW.

Jaune: Heard you guys made a mess rescuing Sienna.

Sun greets Jaune as he glances at his Team brining Sienna in the base.

Sun: Yeah, we were nearly done for but we made it. So what's the call?

Jaune: You will remain here for the meantime. My Team and Flynt's will head to the base south of here.

Sun: What's happening there?

Both Jaune and Sun walked towards the Command Center.

Jaune: Scouts report that after the loss of Sienna they are launching a full scale assault at the compound where the Belladonnas are.

Sun: They're getting desperate.

Jaune: That they are, that's why I need you to stay here and monitor the situation.

Sun looks at the drone feeds and sees multiple firefights in the streets.

Sun: Looks like multiple firefights everywhere.

Jaune: After we captured the City, the White Fang have sorted in hit and run tactics, they've been ambushing multiple convoys and outposts in the area.

Sun: How many men are you brining?

Jaune: Just my Team and Flynt's, we have our forces guarding the compound.

Sun: And our Titans?

Jaune: We'll use them once we reach the Compound. We need to be safe with them, area is too enclosed and I don't want them slipping by us.

Sun: Good luck.

Jaune then heads to one of the tents where his Team and Flynt's are gearing up and resting.

Flynt: So where are we headed off to next?

Jaune: The Compound, we are there to extract the Belladonnas and bring them here. The area they are at is getting to hot. White Fang are getting desperate and we need to make sure they don't breach the compound.

Ren: When are we leaving?

Jaune: Now. Get your gear and head to the Vans. Make sure you pack heavy this will be a long night.

They all nod and start packing up their gear as Jaune looks for Ruby, he found her cleaning her weapon and resupplying her gear.

Jaune: We're moving out in a few minutes, get your gear up and head to the vans once you're done.

Ruby: You got it Jaune.

Jaune was about to leave but stops to look at Ruby.

Jaune: You okay Ruby? After what happened to you back at the Battle of Kuo Kuana. I want to make sure your okay, can't have you zoning out on the battlefield, considering what happen-

Ruby: I got those soldiers killed Jaune! My inability of fighting cause the lives of your men. This was unavoidable, and I have to own up to my mistakes.

Jaune: Ruby it's okay, majority of these soldiers were also afraid of taking a life. It's never easy, but there is nothing we can do now.

Ruby: But does it get any better? Seeing your friends, teammates die? Even the faces of those that you killed. Knowing everyday you took a life or I wish I was faster, I wish I could've saved them from their deaths.

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