volume 1 Chapter 1 prologue

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a dark voice speeks in the back ground as this was the narrator " hello and welcome to our story today we start our story off on earth but not any earth the earth that the home to the Automatrix user aka me  hi there you may not know me but im kieron shadow now  a lot of you already know who i am and about me but let do a recap to help all the new readers"

im not what you would call normal you see i use to be normal a normal kid always busy with school but it all change when i had turned 10 you see i went out camping with my grand farther Levi shadow and cousin Rosie we went camping and plan to spend our summer as a family but that all changed on our fist night 

as it all start on our home aka on Earth, in a city named Plymouth , a 10-year-old boy named Kieron shadow aka me is sitting in school, mischievously making a paper airplane and throwing it at my teacher i was waiting for the last few seconds of the school to end and when The bell rings and i excitedly hurries out, but my teacher catches me and scolds me about the paper plane. Outside, school bullies Cash Murray and J.T. are trying to steal money from a kid named Jamie. i tries to stand up for Jamie, but the two of them end up hanging from a tree by their underwear; Jamie criticizes me for "playing hero". until my grandfather, Levi shadow, arrives in his RV, the Shadow moon, to take me on our anticipated summer road trip.

 Onboard, my excitement drops as soon as i spots my cousin, Rosie . She claims "someone" persuaded her mother that coming along on the trip would be a good experience for her. As Levi starts driving out of the city, me and Rosie bicker back and forth about getting stuck with each other on a 3-month road trip as well we use to not be happy with eachover back then as It becomes clear we have no intention of getting along. The RV arrives at their first destination: a campsite in Yosemite, where we learn that levi plans to take them on a flavor ride that includes eating foods like mealworms and sheep's tongue - the two of us quickly reconcile to agree to avoid their grandpa's cooking at all costs

To get away from Rosie , i sneek off and went for a walk alone in the woods; i stops to see a shooting star. The "star" is actually the pod jettisoned from the spaceship. It twists its trajectory and aims right for me, who barely manages to escape it crashing down on me and when i get up and looks at the crash site in front of him. The ground underneath my feet crumbles, and i fall into the crater. Face-to-face with me , the pod opens by itself, revealing a glowing-red/black device that looks almost like a watch (its name later revealed to be "the Automatrix" and as i slowly reaches for it, the watch suddenly leaps up and latches itself onto my wrist. 

( like this but turn vilgax ship in to a decepticon war ship and  the other ship in to a autobot shuttle  also turn ben in to my oc Kieron)

at fist i was terrified, flailing it around, trying to get it off, but eventually falls to my knees and starts fumbling with it.. The faceplate of the watch pops up and shows a silhouette. Thinking this is cool, i slowly pushes the faceplate back down. my body immediately starts changing, transforming into a being made metle witch leter i found to be Hot Rod but it was after that day i also found out people were after it from beyond the stars to here on earth and me and my family spent that summer fighting monster and ailans and protecting earth.

owe even met the other autobots who had crashed to earth 4 million years a go when leaving there home planet of cybertron witch had died  and were now on earth fighting the evil known as the decepticons  as on there world  Cybertron, many millions of years ago, the Autobots are on the verge of extinction. Eons of war with the Decepticons, their bitter enemies, have drained the planet's once plentiful resources. Autobots were force to leave there world on a mission to search for energy elsewhere and may be try and bring it back but The Autobots blast off aboard their spaceship, the Decepticons chase in their Decepticon cruiser. The Autobots immediately run into trouble when two large asteroids collide in front of them, resulting in a storm of rock that pelts both ships, until Ironhide uses the ship's weapons to clear a path. The Autobots next detect the pursuing ship, but are unable to outrun the Decepticon cruiser, which locks onto them with tractor beams. The Autobot ship's lasers are out of power, so the Autobots are forced to instead engage the Decepticons in combat once they board. With no one at the respective helms, both ships drift into Earth's gravity well, and despite Prime's best efforts to right the Autobot ship, both vessels spin out of control and crash. The Autobot ship embeds itself in the side of a volcano.

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