Chapter 2: Fated Encounter

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As I entered the classroom, half-walking and half-being-dragged-by-force, I felt as if I was being watched. Maybe it was just a result of my long night in front of the TV screen, or maybe I felt uneasy because Trent wasn't here.

My thoughts were quickly shattered as my homeroom teacher, Ms. Burns, yelled "Good Morning!" at a volume equivalent to a sound cannon.

I considered burying my face in my arms, but Ms. Burns's mood could change for absolutely trivial reasons. Also, it seemed that she was having a great day so far- a stunt like that could have easily made the rest of homeroom a scholastic prison.

I decided to just filter out what she was saying; the window next to my seat gave me a much more interesting view anyway. It was bright outside, and the wide-open field used for school activities was a relaxing view today. The classroom also had the same welcoming aura with it; the wooden tables and chairs reflected the sunlight perfectly , as to color the room a tinge of orange. I didn't like people, but I could definitely appreciate the calm atmosphere.

Suddenly I realized that the classroom had fallen silent. I scanned the classroom to see what exactly had caused it; it didn't take long at all to see the two people walking in, one boy and one girl. They were around my age, and I could only guess that they were new students. Ms. Burns must have been talking about them while my thoughts were literally out there. Looking at them, I deduced they were probably twins; they both had the same pitch-black hair. The same steely glare. Even the same authoritative stance, which made them look more like the FBI than normal school-age children.

It isn't uncommon to see transfer students in this school, but something felt.. off somehow. Strangely, they gave off an energy that would materialize into a black haze if it could. They felt too formal, too mysterious, as if this was a business trip instead of a transfer.

"Hello, I am Strad Locke." the boy said with a devilish tone. He gave me the creeps. Goosebumps ran through my body. "I look forward to studying with you all for the rest of the year." It took just a few fractions of a second to realize nearly every girl in the class was staring at him, their attention clearly focused on him. I admit, he did have some sort of pull to him; his presence was regal and enthralling, like a noble who just came from the 16th century. I was sort of jealous. The boys in the class didn't look too thrilled either.

"And I am Calcifer Locke, Strad's twin sister." The girl said. She had long hair that reached all the way up to her lower back, in contrast to her brother's medium-length hair that almost covered his eyes. "I, too, look forward to a great year." She had a similar demeanor to his brother, distant and unwavering. She might as well have been the girl version of Strad. I found myself staring at her, like the rest of the class. Although she gave off some seriously negative vibes, in terms of looks, she was beautiful. Her steely gaze hid sparkling brown eyes which made the sun outside darken in comparison. Her cheeks and lips were tinted just the right shade of pink, and her petite figure represented the envy of teenage girls everywhere. Normally, I wouldn't even notice girls, but in this case even the teacher and the girls were staring at her in awe. Still, her attitude wasn't exactly perfect from what I'd seen so far, but I suppose it wasn't fair to judge at a drop of a hat.

Even so, the warmth of the classroom disappeared. The situation had become cold and uneasy. I had hoped it was just my imagination, but by the end of the day I was sure both them were regularly shooting me an icy stare, a stare that practically said "one wrong move, and it will be your last". The most unnerving part about this was that Trent disappeared on the same day that they came. I wondered if these two events could possibly be linked. No time to think about that though; the only thing I could say for certain is that I should avoid these guys as much as possible.

It never does work out my way.

At the very moment class ended, I quickly packed my stuff and made a run for the door. My thoughts were all over the place, but I had one clear goal: to make it home without running into those two. I didn't know who they were, or if I was really their target, but I knew I didn't want to be around to find out.

As I stepped outside the room, I was met with nothing else but a knife flying towards me at full speed.

"I'm dead. I'm dead for sure." "Why is this happening to me? I never did anything to deserve this!", I thought, in the few split seconds that I had time to.

Suddenly the new girl appeared out of nowhere and deflected the lethal projectile as if it were a paper airplane. With a mischievous smile, she said to me,

"We can't have you dying already, now can we?"

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