The Story

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I waited in silence for what felt like an eternity. I watched small particles of dust float around the room and listened to my breathing start to come back to normal... Nothing happened so I yelled again," JUST TELL ME WHERE I AM! THATS ALL I WANT TO KNOW! SAY SOMETHING!" Then I heard a whisper behind me.
"I told you to stay upstairs. Children don't know how to listen do they?"
"Where am I?" I asked through my clenched teeth. I was not playing games anymore... I want to know where I am. "Why I am here and why it's not 1994?"
" I can't tell you the part about being here, You'll have to figure that out on your own. But I can tell you why it's not 1994."
"well what are you waiting for." I snapped
" You are neither dead, nor alive." It said.
"What do you mean?"
"Well what don't you understand? Your not alive and your not dead. It's really self explanatory."
" Can you please show me who you are. It's hard to talk to nothing."
" I'm not nothing kid, I'm everything your supposed to fear."
"I don't seem frightened... anymore." I lied. I was terrified, I wanted to leave, but the only problem is, I don't know where I am. If I'm not alive, I'm not on earth persay. But if I'm not dead, I'm not in heaven or hell... So I'm somewhere in between? Why is this all so confusing?
" You will be." I could feel it stare burn into my back. But I didn't know what to expect if I looked. I didn't dare turn around. My body stiffened and my fists tightened. I started getting light headed...
" Turn around kid... If you're not scared" I slowly turned my body toward the staircase. I looked up and saw... I don't know what I saw. It wasn't human and it wasn't any animal as far as I'm concerned... It was sort of tall, but what did I know, I was really short, so maybe he was regular size but I didn't notice.
"whoa, um... Whoa," I said stupidly. Unfortunately it was was all I could manage to get out. My eyes widened as I examined its huge figure. I couldn't really see its face, but his shoulders were so broad and I don't know. It was just... Wow.
" I told you, kid. You don't know how to listen."
" I... I... I.. " it cut me off.
"yeah, you're sorry, blah, blah, blah. Anything else kid? You got my attention what do you want?"
" Where are my parents and.. Rose? Where is Rose? Is she okay?" I whispered towards the floor.
" Kid, you're parents aren't here, who's Rose, you're girlfriend?"
" N-no, my, um, my sister."
" Why are you stuttering? I don't bite. Although, I think that was in my contract... Eh, oh well." WHAT? Hold on. Biting was in his contract? What contract? To do what exactly? I felt like my blood left my body.
" Oh, that didn't help, huh. Sorry kid. Anyway nobody is here except you and me."
" How so?" That wasn't possible, I was not stuck in some sort of parallel universe made for me and this... Er, thing...
" So, um, what, er, what are you... exactly?" I asked nervously, gosh, stop being such a girl!
" I'm nightmare. I'm supposed to haunt children's dreams." It said flatly. " I have decided that it's kind of boring, the council sent me here as punishment. I like it her better anyway."
"well, what do we do, here, mister, um nightmare?" Should I be talking to this thing? What would my mom say? Have I finally lost it? Am I even a person?
" We just think, that's all we can do here. Think and be alone. Then think some more, it'll drive you insane after awhile. But, I don't think rules apply to me, haven't noticed much of a change." He, walked into the kitchen, and I hesitantly followed. There was only a few things to eat. How am I going to live off of milk, jelly, and some weird liquid that looked like puke, that I was never,ever going to try? I worried if all rules applied for me? Would I eventually go insane? Am I already? WHERE AM I? He continued to talk about this place.
" I've been here for... Five years, I think."
" Can you leave this place?"
"If I can, I haven't found the way out yet, then again, never tried." I was overwhelmed with curiosity and ignored what he was saying. It all felt to covienent. Only the two of us and no known way to get out? Would I be able to find my way out? Maybe? But what's the time, what's that date? More importantly, where do I go if I find the way out? Home? Heaven? Hell?
" Kid, I'm not gonna talk if you're not going to listen." He said sounding annoyed. He had a scar that ran from his forehead straight down to his neck and I wondered what it was from.
" Sorry, and my name is Noah."
" Are you sure your name is Noah?" That made me frantic. What does he mean? Of course I'm Noah! What kind of a question was that? I should know my own name!
" What do you mean?" I whined, gosh, I sound like a baby.
" This is either you're reality, or someone else's, and you were just granted their memories, or even false memories of your own reality." I still couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was taking advantage of my confusion. Why couldn't he just say what was going on and why? Was it obvious? Did I just have to look for more clues or hints? I don't know what to do! Will I age? Have I been aging? All questions I would love to ask, but thought pointless to ask. I will figure out the problem here. I will find the truth and then, I will tell my story... If it's worth telling.

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