My turn

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So far, you've heard my good friend Noah tell his story. Now it's my turn to tell mine. My name is Elizabeth, I don't remember my last name. The last time I spoke to a person that I remember before I ended up here, was when I was arguing with my parents. I wish I would could go back to make up for every mistake I've ever made. This may sound like another sop story, but I don't need your pitty, so don't give me it. I'm strong by myself. If I wasn't, where would I be now? Anyway, it's kind of okay here. Nightmare still creeps me out a little but he's a good friend. We've been talking since Noah decided he was going to stare at that journal of his. I'm starting to worry about him. Its been about two weeks since I last saw him come out of his room. He said he's waiting, But I don't know what he's waiting for. He's a good person, he doesn't deserve to be here. Where is here? I've tried the font door, but no matter what I do to it, it won't budge. I've ran out of ideas. Noah said he was going to make a plan, but all he ever does is stay up in that room. When I first woke up, I was terrified. Have you ever had those dreams where you feel like something horrible is going to happen but you wake up right before it actually does? That's what it was like. I don't remember my dream completely. I do remember jumping off a building and then I was here.
" Elizabeth?" some body called.
" Yes?"
"When are we eating again?"
"Soon, soon. Give me a moment please." I walked to see Noah, the indent was still in the bed and he was still on the floor.
" Noah? Can you please eat with the rest of us?" he didn't respond. I walked closer and repeated my question.
"No, I need to wait for my mom to reply." so that's what he was doing, how did he even know if she would reply? How would she?
"Well, alright. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." I turned around but before I could take my first step he grabbed my ankle. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. What did he want? " Noah, I need to go make food."
"Please stay." he stood up and held my hand. He looked like a bag of bones and his eyes were blood shot. I wondered how he had been able to stand up so easily. He began to lean forward, I tried helping him stay up, but he collapsed. He had finally pushed his body to the limit. I dragged him up onto his bed. He needed sleep. As soon as I covered him up, the door swung shut. I ran over and tried open it, but it wouldn't budge. I banged on the door but nobody came. Noah was still sleeping. I sank to the floor and hoped he'd wake up soon. I must have fallen asleep because I jumped awake when there was banging next door. I wondered how long I'd been asleep. I looked over at Noah and he was still asleep. I tried opening the door again but it was no use.

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