Am I?

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"Okay, I know I'm not going crazy, who is messing with me?" I yelled. There was still no answer, I took one step forward and then I heard it... A whisper said, "Stay up there." I could hear my heart pounding in my ears along with my heavy breathing I could no longer control. "w-what d-do you mean? Who are you? How'd you get in my house?" I said looking at my toes.
" I should ask why you're in my house." it hissed back
"This is not you're house. " I spat.
" Oh but it is... I've already said to much. "
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" I bellowed. It didn't say anything else. "Hello! Where'd you go?" I guess It doesn't like conversation all that much. I continued to walk around in the living room. The furniture was still in the same place I remembered, but the TV was missing, and the VCR too. My mom never really understood compact discs.. She didn't like them... I wonder where my family could possibly be... I plopped on the couch and a cloud a dust flew into the air. It didn't really bother me although I'd like to know why dad hasn't cleaned the place... Was he okay? I think I should... I stopped thinking... I felt something watching me... I turned quickly not knowing what to expect. There was nothing... But I felt eyes one me.This was so strange... I sank into myself hoping the feeling would go away. But it didn't. After I think was about an hour, I went back up stairs and into the room where I had woken up. I searched through all the dusty boxes that were stacked up on top of each other... What was crazy about it, was that they were all labeled Noah... Nothing for Rose... Just for me... I opened the first box and saw a scrapbook. There were little notes under each of the pictures... The first one was of me on a little bike and it said, 'Noah at three years on his first bike' I smiled at the thought of a little me... How was I back then? I looked through more stuff and found this old journal. I opened the first page and it was dated 2000... Wait... Is that right? I read on:
Dear Noah,
Although you are not here with me, I feel as if you are right next to me. My beloved child, I wish you could be here to witness the happiness our small little family holds. It's not much, but it means the world to me. I know you would love it here.
Wait, it's not 1994. Where have I been? Am I forgotten? Lost? Left behind? What's going on? I ran back down the stairs and yelled, "WHERE AM I?"

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