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Pov Abigail

Darkness, just complet darkness. That was all I saw when I opened my eyes. “Why is it so dark, I..I just want to go h..home.” I call out in to dark room…No response, not like I want to get one like who would want a response if they woke up in a pitch black room that was unknown by them. Because I wouldn’t like that.
“So no response.” I mindlesly say.

After a while the questions start to flood in. How did I get here? Where am I? Was I kidnapped? Has it been multiple days? I was starting to panick now, my breath quickend and I started to sweat.
‘okay abigail breath, just breath. In… and out.’ I repeated the breathing exercise a couple of times until I finally calmed down enough to think about how I got here.
Before I got here I remember being in my room, it was about 10 pm when my mother called me to make myself ready for bed. I got up to get my PJ’s out of my closet, but after that everything was blank.

I try to remember what happened, but my head started to hurt so I stop for now and get off the bed that I was laying in. Just now noticing that my feet were shackled to the wall with some long chain between my schackles and the wall. I try pulling the chaines to get them loose, but to no avail. ‘Well escaping won’t be happining soon.’

Since there was some left over chain I can still walk around in the room that I was in. It was a pretty big room, well bigger that I tought. A queensized bed was placed in the middle of the room against the wall, a nightstand was placed on each side of the bed. The closet was placed at the left side of the room and a couch placed at the foot end of the bed, with a coffee table infront of it. The room also had two doors. I walk towards the one that was on the right side of the room. It is a bathroom, there was a bath with shower, a sink with a big mirror hanging above of it.

I walk out of the bathroom and go towards the other door. Probably the entrance to this room. I place my hand on the doorknob hesitating before I turn it. I don’t open the door yet I begin to imagine what could happen if I open this door right now. Maybe my kidnapper is standing on the other side? Maybe there is a dead body laying there? Or it will just be an empty hallway? I really hope that it is the last one. I open the door and see… Just an empty hallway. “guess luck is at my side now.” I wishper not wanting the one that kidnapped me to hear that I was trying to escape, not that I know that they are in the same building as me, but you can’t never be to sure.

I keep quiet for a while, but all I hear is just a deafining silence. After a while of the silence I try to walk out of the room. Keyword try, I don’t know if im just stupid or that forgetful, but I forgot that I was still shackled to the wall. There are a couple things that can happen now. First I fall to the ground and my kidnapper hears it and comes, second I fall and noting happens or the third and last one I fall in the wrong position and break something or even worse I die. These tought don’t really help when I’m falling, so I prepare myself for the impact. But instead of meeting the ground I fall into someones chest. A pretty soft one surprisingly.

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