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"Uhm... R can i please talk with you?"


Pov Abigail

No response. Great just great. Now even R isn't responding to me anymore. "Can you please just response?" I ask to the emptyness. Still no response...

Is she going to abandon me like everyone else did in my life. I really don't like the tought of that. Is she going to abandon me like my mother did when she found out that she was pregenant with my younger brother, like my dad who never wanted to be my dad in the first place when found out I was a girl, like my twin brothers who only use me as an excuse to get out of trouble or like my family who never even gave me a second glance when I asked them for something. No no nO NO I I don't want that I don't want to be alone again, please no don't leave me alone.

"Please just please...don't leave me here alone..." My breathing begins to quicken and I sink down to the ground at the tought of being alone again. I don't care that she kidnapped me right now, I just want someone to hold me and say that they never leave me and that they are there for me. "Please someone.....help" I start to begin seeing everything hazy and just before I pass out I see a shiloutte walking towards me. 


Pov R.....

My darling is just so adorable laying there reading on the couch. Biting her lips whenever she is focused on the story. Damn just the tought of those lips on my mouth turns me on. I bet they taste really sweet. 

It is really hard for me not to go to her now and claim her, but I have to be patience I need my darling to come to me herself. Then and only then she'll be fully mine. Damn the things I'm going to do to her. I can just say she will not be leaving the bed for awhile. 

I just knew after the first time I met her that I needed to have her. Her beautiful blue doe eyes for which I would kill just to drown in them, her damn soft and beautiful curls that you just want to bury you hands in and don't even get me started over her lips just the perfect shape and colour. 

The only thing is that she is just to nice. You can give her a command and she would just listen. I just had to get her before someone takes advantage of her and I would not want that. Only the tought of someone else having my darling makes me want to hurt them really bad. 

My toughts of how to torture them gets cut of by someone calling.

"Uhm...R can i please talk to you?" 

I look at the screen and see Abigail standing just outside her bedroom. I don't response to her, I'm curious how this will play out. She is pretty easy to read as of now she feels a bit akward standing there in the hallway. 

"Can you please just response?" She is beginning to sound a bit hopeless now. I stand up and quietly make my way to my darling. I just want her to wait a little bit longer. As I arrive at the corner of the hallway I decide to listen a bit longer. 

I hear breath begin to quicken. 'I don't think that is a really good sign.' I think to myself. Why is her breathing even quickening there is nothing to be scared of in this hallway, atleast not something I can think of. That's when I hear her call out again. 

"Please just please...don't leave me here alone..." 

This gets me to start moving towards her. I am quite shocked when I she her on the ground having a panick attack. "Shit." I curse under my breath and quicken my step towards Abigail. I crouch down infront of her and I can just make out the last thing she says before passing out.


My Female Kidnapper (wlw) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now