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"Nope your not going back to that corner." She says putting her arms around my stomach. I didn't move an inch, I just stiffly sat there.


Pov Abigail

I don't know when I fell asleep, but when I woke up the lights were on and I was laying in bed neatly tucked in. I got out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I quickly washed my face and stared in the mirror. "Abigail you have to think of a plan fast!" I wishper yell at my reflection. "I know! But I don't know where to begin." I say back? "just think of something before it's to late!" I answer.
Wow, am I really talking to myself? Am I already going insane?
When I was done in the bathroom I got back in de bedroom. I walk towards the closet to look if there are any clothes in it. To my surprise I see the closet full with clothes. The scary thing is, they were all in my size. How did she even know that? But more importantly how long was she planning to kidnap? Beacause you can't get this much clothing if you just did it in a day.

Not thinking about it much more I just grab a light blue hoodie with some long black shorts with a dragon on it. I walk back to the bathroom to put m- the clothes on, but not before checking if there are hidden camera's in the mirror or something. Luckily there aren't any.

Quickly locking the door I change the clothes and trow my old ones in the laundry basket next to the door. I brush my hair and teeth, luckily she put those necesseties in the bathroom.

I'm laying on the couch now, just thinking. Like, why me? There's nothing special about me. I'm just a ordinary 18 year old with long blond hair and blue eyes. I'm the eldest home with 3 younger brothers and 1 younger sister. My parents are divorced. Will they be looking for me now? That will be unlikely, my two eldest brothers hate me, whilst I never really did anything wrong to them. My sister is to young to even know what liking someone is.

Maybe my youngest brother will come and look for me but he is only 15 years old. My parents are always at work, so they probably won't even notice untill they find out they have no one to babysit my little sister. Can't really count on them then.

I hear the door open so I open my eyes that I had closed when I was thinking to look what was happening. I see her putting down a tray with what looks like it's breakfast on the ground and closing the door again. Okay that was random. I slowly stand up and caustiously walk towards it. I don't know why, but I think if I maybe I make the wrong move something bad may happen to me. Not like that already happened.

I pick up the tray carefully not wanting to spill anything. I walk back to the couch being certain nothing bad will happen. I place the tray with food on the coffee table. The tray had a piece of bread with what looks like chocolate, a glass of orange juice and some strawberries. I also see a piece of paper laying on the tray.

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