Part 4 the rebelious traitors 😤😡❌🏳️‍🌈❌

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Meanwhile, while Elmo and Shrek were doing the thumpidy thump, Dora and Barney will planning evil. Dora and Barney had been together now for a day ever since Belmo was born and it was straight love at first sight. Every minute of the day they were sticking body parts in eachother for pleasure. One day while they were in the middle of 🐱😩✝️Dora said "I frickin hate Elmo!! He's been making that thumping noise for at least an hour now! Arnt you mad that he's off with another guy. It's so disgusting that he would cheat on you! Your the only one allowed to cheat because your a Dilf Barn Barn(her nickname for Barney)!" Dora yelled. "Nah I'm done with him and done with the gays!!! I ain't no gay no mo. I saw the light and now I am recovered! Elmo is living a life of sin and if he doesn't stop making those thumping noises, he's gonna burn for eternity!!!" Barney yelled. "You know you are so right Barney!!! 😡😡😡These gays are ruining the way life is supposed to be!!! They constantly go on and on about RuPaul!!! Who is RuPaul?!!! Well I say screw him and the gays and especially Elmo!!! They all just a bunch of fa-" suddenly Dora was interrupted when she saw a pink face hiding behind a tree... "Hey who are you!!! Show yourself you creep!!!" 😡😡💦😩😡 "I-I'm sorry. I just get lonely some times so I like to watch people do things to eachother," said the creature. The creature came out from behind the tree to reveal a short pig with a deformed nose. "HEY I KNOW U! YOU PEPPA!!!!" Barney yelled. Him and Peppa were ex lovers and they went all the way back to when Barney was just 7 years old and the asteroid came down and they had 😩 eachother for safety."You know Peppa Barney? So do I!!! We used to date eachother and sacrifice dead things to RuPaul!! But that was a long time ago. U know back when I was gay..... I'm better now though. You are too right Peppa? We can't have no gays in our sight so if you are you better leave!!!" Dora said hesitantly. Though she didn't tell anyone, she secretly still like Peppa Pig but she would not let herself fall into sin again. "No.... I'm as straight as the line of spray cheese that I snorted last night!!! I have recovered from the rainbow ways!!!" Peppa pig yelled in defense. "That's good to hear. You know we should get rid of the gays.... I don't like living on the same planet as a bunch of fags. " Barney said evily. "Omg yes we should!!! We can take RuPaul out!!! Once the gay god is gone the gays will burn and melt into nothing but a rainbow puddle," Dora stated with a smile on her face👿. "I'm in!" Said Peppa. On the count of three they all agreed to make the promise. ONE! TWO! THREE!!!!! "Let's kill the fa-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️

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