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Elmo grabbed his shotgun that he had used with Shrek during intercourse. It was filled with Shrek's bloody gay pee and ready to be shot in any homophobes mouth that dared to mess with Elmo! 💦💦🔫🔫 "WHat ShOUlD We DO DaddY ELmo," Shrek yelled hiding behind the human centipede he had been working on. "I say we kill the homophobes once and for all!!!! It's time to call him down!!!!" Elmo yelled. "ARe U Sur? To BE HonESt IM KInD OF SCarReD..." Shrek squeaked. "Fine you be a big flapdoodle baby and stay here with Belmo!! Make sure he gets enough pee in his mouth or he'll starve to death!!!!" Elmo yelled. "And if I'm not back..... I want you to have my body to add to the centipede! I feel like we know each other so welll and it would be an honor to take the feces of you Shrek boo..." 😢😢"I wILl PUT You BeHInD WIlFRrd. HIs BuTT HAs A InFECtiOn. ALl FOr Ypu ELmo. I WIll NEvEr FoRGEt U," Shrek cried out. With tears rolling down his face, Elmo marched out the door to see Barney, Dora, and some ugly pig waiting for him. "Well, well, well... took you long enough. I almost thought we'd have to burn down that house of yours along with your new sugar daddy," Barney cackled. Elmo stood gun in hand. He would protect his child and his man, " Don't be so sour you flapdoodle!!!! I won't let you harm me or my family!!!!" Elmo stood his ground. "You know Barney even said that I was way better at thumping him then you could ever be!! Your flapdoodle is soggy and saggy!!Plus we're sick of you gays running everything with all your gay stuff and gay thumping!!!! We could hear you all the way from camp!!!!" Dora exclaimed harshly 😤😤Elmo couldn't believe her! Barney had been the one that cheated on Elmo and "turned straight". Elmo had done nothing but build a slay gay life for himself!!! Only for Barney to come back with his homophobia, side chick, and now some deformed whiny pig and destroy it all!!!! "That's enough! You can't tear me down because I have the power of the gay goddess running through my veins!!! And if you come near me I will slap you with my flapdoodle and spray this gay potion in your mouth!!!" Elmo threatened. "He's jUSt bluffing!! That red ass tomato got nothing on us!!! Our straight power can withstand anything right Dora OUNk Oink" Peppa pig said looking longingly over at Dora. " Whatever!! You better watch your back Elmo!! Because a war is coming! And at the end you will be nothing but ash! Straight flags will rise above this falling nation! And you won't be able to scream out for RuPaul any longer!!!!" Barney yelled, "And I want my son back!! You can't be teaching him all of that gay stuff!! He needs someone who's not a complete piece of shit to look after him," Barney continued. Elmo felt tears swell in his eyes of the thought of poor little Belmo being taken away. He had just started teaching Belmo to create the most delicious feces stew and catch his first pet maggot. This had gone too far. "Ok you asked for it...Gay... God....RUPaul.... ELMO NEEDS YOU!!!!!" Elmo chanted out to the sky.....
"He's cumming!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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Sweet home Barney Belmo (super straights rule!!! gay people need to die" 🍊Where stories live. Discover now