🥉 coming in third but barely 🥉

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This isn't cannon so don't come at me if you don't like it.

Yuri's P.O.V

I had finally placed well in the grand prix, I can't believe it. Mostly due to the fact that I'm blind, as in I can't see a thing. It has been like that for my entire life but the doctor didn't pick up on it so I had to learn everything by myself. Even my parents don't know that I'm blind.

But back to how I placed in the grand prix, I had placed third but only because three skaters had either gotten injured or forfeited so I made it barely. So I decided to go back to Japan and train more. I know you're asking " how do I skate if I can't see?" Well it's because I can somewhat echolocate, so I always practice with music, I still can't see what is written on paper but it's the best I have.


No-ones P.O.V

As Yuri got out of the airport his mum came to get him along with the rest of his family. " Yuri welcome back and congrats on getting so far" one of them said. " Thank you so much everyone" replied Yuri.


Yuri's P.O.V

I felt really bad about not telling them that I'm blind, but what can you do when they thought you could see your entire life. So I decided that the best idea would be to go to the rink and skate my heart out.


No-ones P.O.V

After a few months of practice both on and off the ice Yuri was able to finally read what was on paper if he heard the person writing. But he thought he wasn't getting better on the ice except.. he was becoming more amazing on it.


Yuri's P.O.V

I was preparing to tell my family that I was as blind as a bat but with excellent spacial awareness. "Mum, Dad, sister I have something to tell you that will make life easier and you will be able to understand some of my weird habits, but I don't want you to start babying me because of it." " Sure but we already know you're gay so you don't have to tell us" mum said "no it's not that I'm gay, even though it's true. But the thing I wanted to tell you is that I'm blind" I replied sadly.

There was nothing but silence, you could hear a pin drop. " Your kidding right" my sister said with false confidence "r-right" she stuttered. " I'm not kidding, but I wish I was" I said solemnly. But my parents were already crying because there weren't there helping me with being blind. But I never blamed them and never will because they didn't know. But I do blame my doctor for not telling them I was unable to see. It was his fault.

Time skip brought to you by the Sweden skater being very gay.✨✨✨✨✨✨

Yuri's P.O.V again

Every day now, I go to the rink but I go with my sister because she's worried for me being blind and all. But I'm still practicing but I'm close to giving up and retiring. So for one final performance, I decided that I'm going to skate one of victor nikeverofs competition winners.

So I started skating and falling in time with the music, letting it control me. So I let it show me the way.

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