👴loss of a family 👴

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I don't own anything but the plot line.


3rd person P.O.V

After the grand prix, yurio's grampa's health suddenly began to deteriorate and very quickly became a grave situation. His grandfather had to stay in a hospital bed 24-7. They new he didn't have long. His body was too weak to continue life like normal.


Yuri's P.O.V

I feel so bad for yurio, he will soon be left alone in this world, his last living family will be dead soon and nobody can do anything but watch. It's so heartbreaking to think about. I could just see the cog's churning in victor's mind when I brought up adopting yurio and giving him a stable household to live in. I instantly knew it was a good idea. So when we heard that yurio's grandfather was in the hospital 24-7, we got the adoption papers ready and rushed to the hospital for when the time came and it came very quick. To quick for anyone's liking. His grandfather wasn't going to make it. We all knew it but it's still hard to face.


Yurio's P.O.V

"No no nooo grampa don't leave me, not yet" I sobbed as I got the news that he wasn't going to get through the night. "It's okay my grandson, I will be in a peaceful place where you won't have to worry about me anymore" my grandpa whispered sadly. I saw that in the corner of the room, Yuri and Victor both looked heartbroken with small tears cascading down their faces. They both knew grampa well, well enough to call him their own father. "My sweet grandson, you will never be alone for I will always be at your side even if you can't see me. I will always watch over you" Grandpa whispered in a saddened and weak voice. He knew that he wouldn't make it but he sure as hell would try to say everything on his dying mind even if it meant cussing at the medical staff. "I've left everything to you, victor and Yuri, they will take care of you while I'm not here" grandpa whispered in an even weaker voice, his time was coming closer than anyone liked. "I love you grampa, please don't leave" I wimpered in a pitiful voice. "I'm sorry that I can't stay longer my beloved grandson." With that, his already rugged and labored breathing came to a slow halt and the heart monitor went flat with a deafening beep. Everyone including me began to wail in sadness and dispair. The only family I had and the only support from my birth family lay still, he didn't make a sound. The realization came to quick. My grandfather was dead and nothing was bringing him back. Nothing at that time will be able to fill the hole in my heart he had occupied. He was gone forever but his memories will live on. But for now all that remains is a grave stone.

Here lies
Nikolai plisetsky
A loving father and grandfather
May he rest in peace


It hurt to write this, I'm soooo sorry. I know how much people love yurio's grandfather as much as I do.


I shed so many tears writing this. Please try to find something to cheer yourself up.

Merry Christmas to all for this is my gift to all of the readers.

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