⛸️the grand prix and surprises ⛸️

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I don't own anything but I do own the plot line and this story.


3rd person P.O.V

The grand prix was later on that day so the duo had time to waste with sightseeing in the city. So, of course they went to every single store wether it be a cafe or a manga store.


Victor's P.O.V

I noticed that Yuri was looking at the cafe on the corner, so I dragged him there to get food. He ordered something similar to a rice bowl. Of course he would get that. But I decided to order a bowl of warm beef stew. Yummy 🤤. I could tell that Yuri was enjoying the food as much as I was. The next place we went was a book store that wasn't to far away from the cafe. There, Yuri got a romance novel series in braille. The way he felt the cover was soooo cute that my heart melted at the sight of it.


Smallest time skip brought to you by blind Yuri reading a romance novel in braille because it's easier.


Yuri's P.O.V

The grand prix had crept up on us. It was only a few hours away and I still had to warm up. "Victor, I think we should head back so I can warm up for the finals" I asked with urgency evident in my voice. "Your right Yuri, we completely lost track of the time. If you want to win gold we have to leave now" victor replied. With his response, the wave of panic had settled and began to disappear. I heard victor call a taxi on his smartphone so we could arrive even faster at the rink. I was so happy that he would do that for me. I love him even more now.


Yurio's P.O.V (didn't see that coming)

I'm so excited to see Yuri and Victor again. I've been stuck here in Russia preparing for the grand prix and haven't had a single break, I'm exhausted. Yakov hasn't let me travel to see Yuri or victor so it's nice that the grand prix is in Russia so they have to come to me for it. But my grandpas health is not doing so well, I'm afraid that he's not going to live for very long. He needs someone to be with him all the time now. But he still supports my dream and makes me food, I love him so much. I just hope that when he finally does go, I get adopted by Victor and Yuri, they are already like my dad's.


Yuri's P.O.V

I just realized that yurio is here in Russia. I also heard that his grampa isn't going to live very long, so I'm going to ask victor if we can adopt him "hey victor, when yurio's grampa dies, can we adopt him?" I asked "sure Yuri, I already see him as my own son so it's no problem." He replied. I'm so happy


Time skip brought to you by victuuri adopting yurio


Yuri's P.O.V

It's only a few more minutes until I have to skate and hopefully win gold so I can ask victor out. I've already warmed up and I'm ready to skate to the beat of my heart. I'm so nervous......

Now it's my turn to skate.

(Just imagine it's only Yuri)

Yes I got a great score of 168 across the board. But now it's time for the free skate, I hope that I get an even better score than I did now.

(Imagine it's Yuri)

Yes!!!! I got an even better score than the routine with 259 points. All together that's 427 points, it's a new world record and I'm in first place, I didn't even stumble on the quads.


The smallest time skip brought to you by first place Yuri


Victor's P.O.V

Yuri, you did it. You beat my record and came first. I'm so proud of you, my pork cutlet bowl. I am so asking you out later. Nevermind I'm asking you out now. "Yuri would you maybe possibly like to go on a date with me?" I couldn't tell if he was going to reject me. "I would love to go on a date with you heck I was just going to ask you out" I was in shock when he said this, but my only thought was he likes me back, woohoo.


I hope you've been enjoying my story, make sure to vote and comment if you like. I would really like some constructive criticism and feedback.

Thank you for reading my story.

blind sided (Yuri On Ice) Victuuri ShipWhere stories live. Discover now