⛸️practice and travel⛸️

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I really don't own anything but if I did I wouldn't change anything.


Victor's P.O.V

The performance of the two have drastically increased in the span of two days. They have both become graceful like a swan but slightly competitive. I am so proud of them, this must be what parents feel when their kids do something amazing.


Yuri's P.O.V

Yurio and I have gotten a lot closer over a very short period and it has been great. "Hey yurio, do you want to go get some mochi?" I asked hoping that we could go bond over some food. "Sure, but you're paying" he replied with a giant smile. This day couldn't get any better.

Time skip brought to you by Yuri becoming a mochi chipmunk ✨✨✨✨

Still Yuri's P.O.V

I stand corrected, it can get much worse, yurio's never had mochi or anything like it. I have to show him the devine flavor of mochi.


Yurio's P.O.V

Yuri seemed surprised that I haven't had mochi before, like it was some sort of crime. Although it was super goo✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

Time skip brought to you by food finatic yurio

3rd person P.O.V

When Yuri and yurio woke up from their dreamless sleep, they decided to pack due to them having to travel to the next ice skating competition that leads to the grand prix. "Come on Yuri, we have to make it to the airport now so we can catch our flight!" Victor yelled in a panicked tone. They had to rush to get to their flight or they would miss it.

Small time skip brought to you by Yuri pretending to be Sonic ✨✨✨✨✨✨

3rd person P.O.V

They thankfully made it to the plane headed to China. They knew that they would make it in time for the competition. After a few short minutes, the plane was up in the air and soaring like an eagle. "Hey yurio, when are you going to be headed to Russia?" Yuri asked with a hint of sadness as his new friend would have to leave him. "I will have to leave after the China cup sadly." Yurio replied with a solem expression and disappointment evident in his voice. Victor also shared his solem expression, sadness was shining through his eyes. "But I will be back and I will skate with you, remember to skate your heart out" yurio continued but all the sadness was dispersed.

Time Skip of a few hours brought to you by pitchit shipping victuuri ✨✨✨✨✨

Victor's P.O.V

I noticed the tension between the three of us. I also noticed that everyone was still upset that yurio will have to leave us to go home and train for the grand prix but we all will have to go our separate ways. I just hoped it wouldn't be so soon. I also hope that I won't have to leave my precious Yuri all alone, without some one to care for him. Then I felt the plane touch down on the runway, we had arrived in china and Yuri already look so excited and nervous at the same time. Oh how cute he is.

blind sided (Yuri On Ice) Victuuri ShipWhere stories live. Discover now