Multi-Husky's Team Part 11

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Ember: Hey Ace? How come we can't go super in public anymore?

Ace: The Paw Patrol knows our secret identities thus making things less interesting.

Techna: (slyly) Nobody said we couldn't just wipe the memories of everyone so it would be like Multi-Husky and his team never existed!

Ace: Please continue!

(scene changes to the group working together to make an memory wiper which is hooked up to a satellite dish)

Ace: Fire it up Techa!

Techna: On it!

(Techna activates the memory wiper to completely erase everyone's memories of Multi-Husky, Electra, Wildfire, Oceanic, and Blizzard along with everything online)

Techna: There we go!

Ace: Nicely done sweetie!

(scene changes to Ace using a power pack granting him future vision to learn the existence of Multi-Husky and his group were erased completely)

Ember: Now we can resume our double life once more!

(scene changes to Ace and Techna dismantling the memory wiper and loading its remains into their garbage truck)

Ember: Ace can I please have a little fun!

Ace: Go ahead! (whispers) Just remember to use your super powered name!

Ember: Aye Aye!

(Ace nods)

(scene changes to Adventure Bay where everyone is having a peaceful day until Wildfire teleports over without warning)

Wildfire: Looks like this place could use a little chaos!

(Wildfire uses her powers to create a whirlwind which she uses to scare folks away)

Wildfire: This is so thrilling!

(Chase and Ryder approach her)

Chase: Stop in the name of the law! Whoever you are!

Wildfire: (to self) Does he really not remember me?

Ryder: (curious) What is your name anyway pup?

Wildfire: The name is Wildfire and I'm born to burn!

(Wildfire exhales fire from her mouth like a dragon while Ryder and Chase dodge it)

Chase: Whoa!

Ryder: I didn't expect a fire breathing pup!

Chase: Me either!

Wildfire: (quietly to self) Daddy was right about me testing this fire breathing power pack!

(Marshall comes running forward with his firefighter gear)

Marshall: I'm fired up! (fires water from his water cannon into Wildfire's mouth)

Wildfire: (coughs) (exhales smoke instead of fire) Hey! You put out my fire!

Marshall: I am a firefighter after all!

Wildfire: This isn't over pup! Once I'm reignited I'll be back! (teleports away)

Chase: I didn't expect that pup to teleport away!

Marshall: Me either! I wonder who she is?

Ryder: She called herself Wildfire.

Marshall: that certainly sounds like an interesting name.

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