Multi-Husky's Team Part 13

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Ace: Of course Everest. It's always a good idea to have a backup power source!

Everest: True!

(Penguins begin climbing into the jet)

Jake: Ace your jet!

Ace: Huh? (looks behind him)

Ace: (shouts) Hey get out of there penguins!

Penguins: (playing with the controls before activating the jet)

Everyone: Whoa! (ducks when jet takes flight)

Everest: Wow! And uh oh!

Ace: Agreed!

Jake: I didn't know penguins could fly a jet?

Everest: They don't Jake.

Jake: Good point!

Tundra: We need help!

Everest: Don't worry! (contacts Ryder)

(scene changes to the pups at the Lookout)

(Pup-Pad rings)

Ryder: Hello? Oh Everest, Jake, is something wrong?

Jake: Ryder penguins are taking Ace's new jet out for a joyride!

Ryder: Ace has a jet?

Ace: (leaps on screen) I recently made it with my powers!

Tundra: And we don't know what kind of damage they could cause!

Techna: Please help.

Ryder: Don't worry we're on the way!

Ace: Thanks Ryder!

Ryder: Paw Patrol to the Air Patroller!

Pups: Ryder needs us!

(pups run into the Air Patroller with no wipe out)

(Air Patroller takes flight and goes to the South Pole)

(scene switches to the South Pole)

Everest: I hope they get here soon.

Ace: (looks up) Look there's the Air Patroller!

Jake: Yeah! Good timing Ryder!

(scene changes to the pups saving the penguins and Skye landing the jet near Ace)

Ace: Thanks guys!

Ryder: No problem Ace if you ever in trouble just yelp for help!

Ace: I understand Ryder!

(trio of huskies leave in their jet)

Everest: I have to admit Ace certainly is a creative type with his powers!

Ryder: Yeah!

(scene changes to the trio returning to their hideout)

Ember: (looks at her paws) (sighs)

(Ace, Tundra, and Techna enter the room)

Tundra: (shouts) We're back!

Ace: (notices Ember) Something wrong Ember?

Ember: I'm okay but I would really love a chance to one day become a real pup instead of a robo one!

Ace: (surprised) Really?!

Ember: (nods)

Techna: Ember does have a nice point!

Tundra: Yeah!

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