c h a p t e r o n e

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They call us the night demons.

We're feared among most people, legends of us crawling into people's houses at night and ripping their family's throats out making us seem scarier than we are. Yes, we aren't exactly normal, and yes, we do kill, but no, we don't kill humans.You see, we were put on this planet for one reason, and one reason only. We were put here to protect the human race, without us, humanity would have died out ages ago. We were put here long before humans, normal humans, were put on Earth, cleaning up this world. We spend our days now keeping people safe and making sure what we face everyday stays unknown to everyone.

We are the Misfits. A large group of people; we account for one third of the Earth's population. We grow up training with the people who were born in the same month as us, so there's no advantages to us, no one is older, and more advanced because of it.There are six people that I spend all my time with. We are the July group. There are three boys and three girls. We've all had to learn to get along with each other, so far there hasn't been any drama since we were twelve and Kat had stolen Noah's cookie.

Kat and Noah are twins. Noah was born with dog ears and a tail; he's a hybrid. Kat was born with cat eyes, and jet black hair. That was actually the reason she was named Katrina, Kat for short. We had found them abandoned in an alleyway when they were newborns, they couldn't have been older than a day or two. Our leader, Sam, had taken them in as his own.

Damien is half vampire. His mother had died giving birth to him, so we was forced into the world of us Misfits. His father as leader of a coven of vampires somewhere north of us, and rarely visits Damien. Usually Damien stays in his room and only comes out when he hunts, when it's time to train, or when he needs to do his chores.

Izabel is a fairy. She has blue hair and porcelain skin. She could have been passed off as what regular humans would call "emo" if it wasn't for the fact that she had a large pair of white, shimmery wings growing out from between her shoulderblades, and she shrinks down to about six inches tall. She's able to hide those things now now, she's learned how to, but when she first came here she had no control over when her wings came out or stayed hidden, or when she popped to her smaller fairy size. She had the choice to leave, to join the normal world, but she stayed here, saying that we are now her family, and she couldn't just leave us.

Alex is a werewolf. No, he doesn't change during the full moon, that's all myths, he has the ability to change into his wolf form whenever he feels the need to whip it out. He's very aggressive, you'll always see him making the kills whenever we go out to take care of our "business". He gets angry at everything and everyone, and it's scary once he gets angry.

Finally, there's me. My name is Riley. I'm telekinetic, and I can see people's auras. It comes in handy, because I can tell a person's emotion, and I can also tell what someone is. Always on the outer edge of someone's aura, no matter what they're feeling, is a certain color. Humans, just regular humans, they're a bright yellow. People like Noah and Kat are a pale yellow, because they're very close to humans, they just have animal characteristics, such as ears and a tail. Vampires, like Damien, are red. Fairies, such as Izabel, are a shimmery pink. Werewolves have a forest green color outlining their aura, and people like me, we don't have auras. Witches and wizards have a real pretty navy blue around them as well. Finally, the demons. Their auras range from solid black to a very dark grey. Their whole aura is that color, not just an outline, because they don't feel much.

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