c h a p t e r s e v e n

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I managed to get in the house without seeing Alex. It's not like I was trying to avoid him, I knew I'd have to see him, we live together so it would be pretty hard not to. I was just trying to avoid confrontation so Luke and I could leave earlier.

I took a shower quickly and got dressed, not even bothering to do anything with my hair, just putting it in a bun.

Leaving the apartment though, that was the problem. "What do you mean, she's not at the August apartment? Where is she?" Crashes and Alex's yelling could be heard coming from the living room.

Izabel comes down the hall looking frightened. "Oh, Riley," she says, rushing to me and giving me a hug. "Everyone was saying you were gone."

"Just came home to take a shower and change, I'm fine, Izzy." I pat her back before pulling away from the hug. "What's going on out there?"

"Alex is throwing a fit. Noah, Damien, and Kat are trying to get him to calm down. It's getting pretty bad." She fiddles with her fingers.

"I'll go get him to chill, okay?" I say.

Izabel nods, her eyes taking notice of my bandaged arm. "Oh, Riley..." She sighs unhappily. "I'm sorry this happened to you."

"It's fine, I'm fine." I smile at Izabel before going out into the living room.

"Riley!" Kat exclaims as soon as I enter the living room. I smile at her, turning to assess the damage of the living room.

There are countless holes in the wall, along with the hole where my arm had went through when Alex pushed me last night. The couch was overturned, the TV smashed, and there were broken picture frames and glass everywhere. Standing in the middle of everything were a bloody Noah and Damien, and Alex, who seemed to be untouched. "What the hell, Alex?" I exclaim.

"Riley, I-" he begins.

"Save it," I say. "Clean this all up. You can explain to Sam what happened, and why Noah and Damien are all injured." I turn to Kat. "Are you okay?"

"He didn't touch me, I was too fast for him." She grins proudly.

"Alright, then you go find Izabel and calm her down, Alex scared the wings off her." Kat nods and leaves down the hall. "Noah, Damien, you two come with me."

"Riley, I'm fine," Noah tries to argue.

"Don't even try to get out of this." I point towards the door. "Go wait for me in the hall."

The two boys trudge outside, and I'm left alone with Alex. "I'm sorry, Riley," Alex says.

"No, you aren't." I walk past him. "You know, Alex, I really expected more from you." I join Damien and Noah in the hall. "Alright, let's get you two cleaned up."

I enter the August apartment without knocking and see Luke sitting in the clothes he wore yesterday, the sofa bed folded up. "Oh my God, what happened to you guys? Did you get hit by a bus?"

"Alex got mad, but that's beside the point. Is Elizabeth still home?" I ask.

"No, it's just me and Carter right now, everyone else went to training. Why?"

Just then Carter leaves the bathroom dressed in black basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. "Riley's back!" he cheers. "And she brought two of her hot roomies!"

"Where's your first aid kit?" I ask.

"In the bathroom. I'd love to stay, but I gotta run. Sam will kill me if I'm late to training again." He winks at Noah, who weirdly blushes, and leaves the apartment.

"I'm not even going to ask what's going on there," Damien says, shaking his head.

I roll my eyes and retrieve the first aid kit from the bathroom. "Noah, are you alright with Luke cleaning you up? Damien still gets uncomfortable around him."

Noah nods and hoists himself up on the kitchen counter. "As long as you don't try coming at me with needles, I'm fine." He grins at Luke.

"Alright, Damien, get up next to Noah," I say.

"I feel like we're taking a family photo," he grumbles, sitting next to Noah on the counter.

"You know Sam only makes us do that every Christmas," Noah says, knocking shoulders with him. "First individual, then groups, then the whole building together."

"Don't remind me," Damien says with a groan. "I always hate picture time. I get the same joke every single year. 'Are you sure you'll be seen, Damien? You're a vampire!'"

I giggle and pull some cotton balls from the medical kit, wetting them with that cleaner that stings when it's on an open cut. "This may hurt a bit," I tell Damien before reaching up to clean the cuts on his cheek and lip.

Damien hisses as the cotton ball touches his lip. "Damn," he says. "That hurts like a bitch."

"Language!" I reprimand him. "I told you it'd hurt."

I put a bandaid over the cut on his cheek and ran my thumb over his lip. "There's not much I can do about that," I say. "Or your bruises." I put my arms around Damien, hugging him quickly. "Sorry about him, Damien."

"It's fine." He grins at me. "Cuts heal and bruises fade, I'll be back to normal in no time."

I nod and look to Noah, who has his shirt off and is prodding at a large bruise covering his stomach and left side. "Oh my God, Noah, you're on bed rest today. You too, Damien. Stay here and watch TV or something. I'll tell Sam what's going on."

"Don't tell Sam, Alex will get expelled from this place, and then he won't have anywhere to go," Noah says. "Tell him that Damien got me sick."

"Sam won't believe that, Damien never leaves his room," I say, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"True, tell him that Kat got both him and I sick, that's more believable," Noah says.

"How about you don't say anything? If I observed correctly, you two go to class and train hard everyday, always there on time. You both are undeniably in good shape, and you just went out and did whatever it is you do and found me. Would Sam really care if you took a day off?"

Damien and Noah seem to consider this for a second. "I guess not," Damien says slowly. "Alright, we'll stay here then."

"Great!" I smile and walk to the living room. I unfold the couch and gesture for them to lay down.

"Thanks, Riley, Lucas," Noah says with a grin before gingerly laying down on the couch bed. Damien lays down beside him and smiles at us, which is rare for him.

"Have a good day. Don't move too much, Noah, I can tell your bruise is hurting you," I say.

"I'll make Damien get me everything." Noah laughs, then immediately stops, wincing. "Ow."

"Take it easy, okay? Watch TV." I hand them the remote and take a step back, standing next to Luke.

"Thanks for everything, Riley," Damien says. "You too, Lucas, you're alright."

Luke smiles at him then looks to me. "Ready?" I ask him.

"As I'll ever be," he replies before we leave the room.



So I have something in mind but I didn't add it in this chapter, chapter eight should be up soon though.

I'm visiting my dad next week so updates might not happen, and school starts September 1st so I'll probably be on a schedule after that. No more updates at 4AM. Oops.

All the love xx

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