c h a p t e r n i n e

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We get home quickly. I call Kat, who agrees to help Lucas carry his stuff up to our bedroom, and go to talk with Sam. "Come in," he calls from inside his office when I knock.

"Hey, Sam," I say. I walk in and shut the door behind me. "I need to talk to you."

"I'd assume so, otherwise you wouldn't be here."

"Sam, it's important." I rake a hand through my hair. "Lucas may have just put all of us in trouble."

Sam stops rifling through the papers on his desk. "Explain," he says, giving me his full attention.

"We stopped at the gas station because we were running out of gas," I say. "I left Lucas to pump the gas so I could run in and use the bathroom. When I paid and came out, Lucas was talking to Oliver."

"Oh, no." Sam shuts his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Okay, alright, did Lucas tell him anything?"

"Oliver lied and said he wasn't our age, so he was in a different building." I run a hand through my hair. "Lucas told him everything."

"Shit," Sam says." The rogues are going to want him."

"Yeah, I know, that's why I came to you straight away," I say.

"Lucas us going to have to start training immediately. Training for everything so we can find out what he is. It is important that he stays well-rested and fed, so he can do his best at training. Now, I need to prepare for the meeting with Lucas' mother. You are dismissed." Sam waves his hand at me, almost like he's trying to physically brush me out the door.

I sigh and make my way back outside. Kat is sitting on the ground, Lucas nowhere to be seen. "He took the last box in," she says, reading my panicked face. "I just stayed out here to ask if you wanted to go get food with me and Izabel."

"I have to start Lucas with training after we get everything unpacked," I say. "Sorry, Kat."

"It's okay," she replies, standing from her position on the concrete. "Give me the keys to the July car and tell Izabel to come down, okay?"

"Will do." I toss the keys to Kat before going back in the building. I tell Izabel the whereabouts of our friend before going into the bedroom I share with Lucas.

"Hey," he says, looking up from where he's putting his clothes away.

"Keep a pair of shorts out," I say. "Training starts as soon as your done unpacking."


I stand in the athletic training room with Lucas. I'm in light clothes as well, seeing as I missed training today to help Luke. "Training here is different than training in a regular gym," I begin, pacing back and forth in front of Luke. "Of course we do running, weightlifting, swimming, and things like that, but there is also rockclimbing, climbing the wall with pegs, tumbling practice, net swinging and climbing, and gymnastics."

"Gymnastics?" Luke interrupts. "Why would I need to do a cartwheel?"

"There are a lot of tricks in gymnastics that are useful to us," I say. "Flipping, swinging on bars, jumping on bars, somersaults, rope climbing, and yes, cartwheels. You'll find it very useful. Of course, we aren't teaching you all the special tricks, just things that could help in a fight."

Luke nods. "What do we start first?"

"Warm-up run," I say. "Two miles."

Luke's jaw drops. "Two miles?"

"We were all doing five by the time we were twelve," I say. "I'll run it with you."

We get on the treadmills. Two miles and loads of complaints from Lucas later, we step off, and walk over to the weights. "That," Luke speaks between broken breaths, "was horrible."

"You build stamina after a while, soon you'll be able to run a full marathon without stopping." I sit him down on the bench press. "Now, how much can you lift?"

After watching Luke nearly strangle himself while lifting weights, we make our way to the rockwall. "It's easy," I say, buckling his harness. "Climb the hundred feet up, press the red button, then jump. This harness will slowly bring you down."

I buckle my own harness up and then check both of ours, making sure they're secure. "You're going too?" Luke asks.

"Of course, wanna race?" I grin, climbing the wall. I'm at the top before Luke is even halfway.

"How do you do that?" Luke yells up to me.

"I've been climbing for a while," I yell back down, hitting the red button and jumping off the side of the wall. Luke watches as I slowly descend to ground.

After Luke makes it back to the ground, I take him to the rope hanging in the center of the gym. "I'm sure you know how to do this," I say, looking up to where the rope hangs from the ceiling.

"I don't know if I can do it, my body is spent already," Luke says.

"Just the rope," I say. "This will be the last thing. We won't do full training today." I grab onto the rope. "I'll even go first, give you time to rest."

Gloves are put on my hands to help me climb. I keep my breath slow and steady, moving one hand in front of the other, using my legs to push me up. I reach the top before climbing down again, sliding a bit to relieve the familiar ache in my muscles a little bit. "I don't think I can do that," Luke says, staring at the top where I was.

"Yeah you can." I pull the gloves off and hand them to him. "Remember, just this one last thing and physical training is done for the day."

He sighs and pulls the gloves on before hoisting himself up. I watch as his arms flex, the muscles becoming more prominent as he exerts himself. His calves flex as well as he pushes himself up the rope. I'm so entranced by his body that I don't realize Luke's hand has slipped.

Lucas falls off the rope.


School started, scheduled updates are now a thing.

New chapter every Monday.

Question of the day: Who's your favorite band/artist?

I personally love Ed Sheeran, 5sos, 1D, FOB, P!atD, 4 Door Theatre, At Sunset, and MCR.

All the love xx

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