c h a p t e r f o u r

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It took about two hours to do all the testing on Lucas, and one more for the results to show up. Sam called me in to look at the results with him. He handed me a few photographs showing his body scans. I got to the last picture, which was just a giant black blob. "Sam," I ask. "What's this supposed to be?"

Sam squinted as he looked at the picture. "That's weird," he says. "That's supposed to be the brain scan. It must have not printed correctly. Go check the computer."

I went to the computer and brought up the file titled with Lucas' name. I found the brain picture. "Sam, it matches. There's nothing here."

"That can't be." Sam stands next to me, staring at the computer. "Riley, go get him."

I nod and make my way up to our apartment. Sam had called Noah down earlier to bring him up, saying that Lucas could stay with us temporarily. I opened the door to see Lucas and Noah sitting on the couch. Lucas was tensed and sat up straight, while Noah was completely at ease in his own home and lounged back against the armrest. "Um, Lucas, Sam wants to see you."

Lucas nods and stands up. "Do I get to go home?"

"From what it looks like, no." I gesture for him to step in front of me, and I close the door. "I'll let Sam explain the rest because I don't understand it very well."

"Can I at least tell my parents? They're probably worried sick," Lucas pleads.

"Already taken care of. Kat had gotten ahold of your phone and had Damien call them. As far as they know, you're spending the night at your new friend's house."

He sighs. "Okay, as long as they aren't up all night worrying."

I stop walking when I glance up and see his distraught face. "Hey," I say, waiting for Lucas' eyes to turn to mine before continuing. "I'll get you home soon, okay? We just need to figure all this out." I give him a quick hug, which he barely has time to return, before continuing on my way down the hall to the staircase. We make our way downstairs. Lucas stops me right before we open the door to the observation room.

"Thank you," Lucas says, his cheeks flushing faintly.

"For what?" I ask, dropping my hand from the handle of the door.

"For helping me, and for treating me like I'm normal. After Noah took me upstairs everyone went quiet, Damien, Kat, and Izabel all went into a different room, and Alex punched something and left." His eyes left mine and dropped to the floor. "Even Noah didn't want to be by me, you could tell. He seems like he's a nice person, that's probably why he stayed."

"They're afraid of the unknown. We face different things every day, but they're things we know, things we've learned about and trained for. You on the other hand, we've never met someone quite like you. We've just gotta figure out what's going on under those curls of yours," I reach up and awkwardly ruffle his hair. "and then they won't be scared anymore."

I turn away from him and open the door, revealing Sam bent over the computer. He looks up as we walk in. "Alright, Lucas, everything about you seems completely normal except for one thing."

"What's that one thing? What's wrong with me?" Lucas asks.

"Come sit." Sam gestures for us to follow him to the table sat in the corner of the room. Lucas and I sit across from Sam, watching as Sam pulls out two files. One is unmarked, and another has 'Kat - July' written across it in bold black lettering. "This is your file," Sam says, opening up the folder. "Like I said, everything is normal. Except for this." Sam pulls out the black blob that is supposed to be Lucas' brain out of the folder and places it in front of him.

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