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We were at the theme park, and so far, we had gone on two rides. Yolanda, Shanae, and the guys all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Every so often, I made comments on their conversations to try and appease them. Although I was delighted to see my friends having fun, right now all I wanted was to be by myself. Ever since my breakup, I've been going through this. There are moments when all I want is to be left alone and unbothered. I saw an old man selling ice cream and I excused myself from the group.

Yolanda asked if I wanted to go back to the resort and if I was okay. I replied that I was fine but exhausted from not getting enough sleep, and she nodded to indicate that she understood. I quickly said that I was going to have ice cream and head back to the resort. She asked as to how I intended to return, to which I said, "Uber," and I walked away. When I arrived at the ice cream vendor, I purchased two scoops of vanilla ice cream. Food always lifts my spirits.

The elderly man could see through my act, so he took a seat next to me and enquired as to what was wrong. I told him everything—from what had happened to my anxieties and woes—because I was sick of keeping things to myself. Since we would only be seeing each other once, I wouldn't have to worry about him pestering me about what I was going through all the time. He held my shoulder in the same way a father would for his daughter. "A man who loves you wouldn't deliberately hurt you. It won't take long for you to realize that whatever this is you thought was love isn't it. When the time comes, don't let your relationship with this one guy ruin your chance to experience love like no other. You'll have another chance at finding love", he assured me. I noticed as I stared at him that his words reminded me of what my father would have said. I really want to believe that what he is saying is true and that I will get to love again but now it all seems too good to be true. I simply smiled, said thank you, and headed out of the theme park without saying anything more him.

 I requested an Uber and waited for it to arrive. After a short wait, I received a notification that my uber had arrived, and I walked to the car. I jumped in, said hello to the driver, and gazed out the window. I paid when I arrived at the hotel and went to my suite. I had a shower before retiring to bed for a bit.


sorry for taking so long to update guys. school has been hectic, but I am almost done with my exams so now I have no excuse to not post regular updates

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