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chapter five, season seven episode fifteen

    GETTING GOWNED AND GLOVED, BAILEY spotted Derek jogging down the corridor of the busy emergency room, preparing to see one of her dear friends appear through the incoming ambulance. Tying up her yellow gown, she called out to Victoria's beloved brother. "Shepherd, slow down. Come here."

"There's a trauma." His eyebrows furrowed, trying to reach for a gown, but she smacked his hand away. "You can't help with this one. You need to sit out. I'm gonna tell you who's on that rig, and you're gonna lose your mind and try to help, but you can't." Webber and Mark came running, Thomas following close behind, dashing to grab gowns and gloves. Derek's eyes widened. "Hey, hey!" Bailey yelled at Mark and Thomas. "You two can't help either. She's family."

"But we can help!"

"But I'm the head of Trauma!"

"Bailey's right, you guys need to sit this one out." Webber insisted, him and Bailey meeting all the other surgeons crowding around the arriving ambulance while the eager and scared men tried to push their way through.

"She's hypothermic, freezing cold." Hunt announced while the back doors of the rig opened, a blue jacket on as he did CPR on Victoria. "No pulse, no vitals, GCS of three. She gained consciousness while we were loading her up but then we lost her again. We don't have a doppler in here, so we have no idea about the baby."

"What?" Mark's eyes bulged, his heart nearly stopping.

Thomas ran a hand through his hair, trying to lunge and reach out for Victoria. "Tori..."

Callie held him back, making sure he couldn't touch her. "She's in bad condition, Tommy. But we'll fix her. Don't worry. I promise."

"We have no idea how long she's been down." A paramedic expressed. "She may be too far gone. I think we lost her."

"No, we didn't." Derek shouted at him, the angriest glare in his eyes. "She isn't dead. Her baby isn't dead."

"She's not dead until she's warm and dead."

. . .

"SOMEBODY PAGE ALTMAN," ALEX KAREV shouted to no one in particular, currently doing compressions on his superior.

"And order humidified o-2." Hunt added.

"I can't find a vein." Lexie muttered in distress, trying to get an IV in Victoria's flaccid veins.

Bailey turned, "Try the other arm, Grey."

"I tried the other arm," Meredith chimed in. "I couldn't get anything either."

"Put in an I/O line, goddamnit!" Thomas had enough of this back and fourth, breaking the chatter. This was killing him fast, causing him to be irritable and almost over the edge.

"We have this, Matthews." Webber insisted.

Mark agreed, "Put in two lines."

"Shut up, guys." Callie muttered, numbing the area for the I/O lines.

"What are you doing? She's dead." An intern, by the name of John, asked the attending. "She can't feel that."

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