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chapter eight, season seven episode twenty one

VICTORIA WOKE UP TO A finger drawing shapes all across her bare back. It was the morning after Callie and Arizona's wedding, bright and early, just five minutes past seven o'clock. The hand on her back felt familiar.

Too familiar.

"Thomas!" Tori shrieked, jumping up from the bed, covering her naked body with one of the sheets. And then her head started pounding with might as she had risen from the mattress too fast, causing her hand to shoot up to the top of her head. It was as if God was punishing her for sleeping with her ex boyfriend, by giving her the worst hangover she's had since her college days.

Now Thomas on the other hand, he wasn't as freaked out as Tori was. "Be quiet..." He mumbled, also very hungover. "I forgot how loud you scream. No kidnapper would ever be able to get away with kidnapping you."

"Get out of my bed." Tori muttered, wrapping her full body in the soft fleece blanket she had thrown over a chair during last night's previous events. She felt disgusted, confused, frustrated. Why was this happening to her, she wondered as she grabbed Thomas' ankle, giving it a tug since he wasn't moving.

The tall man groaned, getting up from the pink sheets. His eyes traveled to his feet on the floor, seeing a used condom on the floor as well. "Well..." He cleared his throat, picking up the condom and throwing it in the trash. "Looks like we had a bit too much fun last night."

Tori grabbed all of his clothes, shoving them in Thomas' hands. "Go home. Get out of my apartment." She let out an exhaustive breath, realizing Thomas' feet weren't moving. "What?"

"Can I at least put on my clothes?"

. . .

     ON HER WAY INTO WORK, Tori was on her way to drop off her baby girl at daycare, but then she remembered Derek and Meredith were wanting to adopt a little African baby from Alex's program. Tori was so happy for her brother and sister in law. She knew Meredith struggled to have children, so this was an amazing opportunity for her. Tori took the elevator up to the Peds floor, and was now in Zola's hospital room, watching Derek play with her.

"Look at the little airplanes!" He pointed to the mobile moving above the crib. "Maybe you'll be a pilot one day, huh?"

Tori laughed, looking down at her own baby. "Isn't this crazy?"

"What do you mean?" Derek turned around with a puzzled look.

"Well..." She took her eyes off Maisie Ella, looking at her brother and Zola. "Don't you remember the days when we told Mom we were never gonna have kids, over our dead bodies."

"It's not official yet, Tor." Derek chuckled, looking down at the little girl in his arms. "We don't wanna jinx it. We have the interview with the social worker."

Something about his demeanor seemed off to Victoria, like her brother was nervous and trying to hide it. "Hey," she stood up from her seat, giving him a hopeful look. "It will be okay. I mean, I know Meredith doesn't have the most endearing instincts, but she can learn. I was just like her before I had Maisie." The baby cooed, looking up at her mama. She recognized her name, waking her out of her drowsiness. "I didn't know how to take care of a baby. I didn't want a baby, but...I got a feeling and decided to run like the wind. Am I still scared? You bet your ass I am. But I trust the people around me to point me in the right direction. Meredith is always welcome in my home if she needs help. You tell her that, okay? Ohana means family..."

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