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chapter six, no episode to name

FRESHLY RELEASED FROM THE HOSPITAL, Victoria held her newborn baby with all her might and protection. Her eyes admired the sleeping beauty in her arms, watching as the baby made small noises while sleeping.

She had a change of heart, as you might've guessed. Once she was able to hold her baby, she never wanted to let go. She felt in her heart that maybe, just somehow, she could figure out all the trials and tribulations of motherhood. All she could think about was how much she regretted ever thinking about getting an abortion. Of course, with every pregnancy every women should have the right to choose whether they think they're fit to birth, grow and raise a child. At first, Victoria didn't think that was in the works for her, but being in that life-altering car accident and almost dying made her realize that she was meant to be a mother.

Her baby needed her.

The baby's eyes soon fluttered open as Victoria was walking around the room, trying to keep the baby from crying. But, oh well. She failed. It cried. Oh, shit, she thought. What now? The baby was normally very quiet, very calm. Tori had very little experience calming the baby down.

The baby had been alive for nine weeks now, home from the hospital for one. It had became accustomed to Tori baby wearing whenever she had dishes to clean, laundry to do, a bed and a bottle to make. It was natural for the baby to fall
back asleep when Victoria wrapped the baby in a wearing sling across her chest. Victoria did just that, soon calming her newborn down.

A lot had happened in the past nine weeks. Victoria had been avoiding Thomas, claiming she needed time to think about things while she was adjusting to this new lifestyle. She needed to try it out on her own, being a single mother. Mark lived across the hall, so whenever Victoria needed a girls' night out with Callie and Arizona, she'd ask Mark if he wanted to keep their child for the night. Mark didn't mind. (He was truly baffled and amazed that he was a father again. He got to watch every newborn milestone, be at every pediatrician appointment, and just soak in the joys of having a brand new baby.)

Victoria looked down at her baby, admiring all the features of her face. "Oh, Maisie Ella, you're the only thing I'm sure of right now. I will always be sure about you."

author's note . . .
long time no write! hi! hope this explains some key questions i've received! also, a quick announcement; i have a new jackson avery book if anyone wants to check it out! please vote and comment!

            with love,

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